Blue Water Area Braces For Annual Mayfly Swarms

Residents in the Blue Water Area and surrounding communities will soon witness the annual swarms of mayflies, or “fish flies,” especially near and around bright lights. 

Emerging from the water as adults for about two days solely to mate, these harmless insects do not bite or sting. Mayflies spend most of their life as larvae in water, hatching after one to two years. 

Michigan is home to over 100 species of mayflies, which resemble dragonflies with long, thin abdomens that can be gray, yellow, or brown, and range from a quarter inch to just over an inch in length. Residents can expect to see swarms around gas stations, grocery stores, parking lots, and ATMs. With their short life spans they often litter areas with hundreds or thousands of their crunchy corpses that often leave a fishy odor when crushed or stepped on. 

Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell