$400 Auto insurance Refunds on the Way

Checks should be in the mail in a few months in the amount of $400 per vehicle as Michigan refunds a portion of auto insurance premiums. The money is coming out of the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association fund.

A bipartisan auto insurance reform law was passed in 2019. Those receiving the care from catastrophic claims are not pleased with the cut in benefits that are part of the auto reform laws.

Tom Judd, president of the Michigan Brain Injury Provider Council said, “Michigan consumers are absolutely owed a refund on their premiums, because auto insurance companies have gotten away with gouging them for years. But make no mistake: This move cannot be taken as an excuse to shirk the responsibility of caring for victims of catastrophic auto accidents, who paid for no-fault insurance through their premiums.”

Governor Gretchen Whitmer said, “These refunds and the recently announced statewide average rate reductions are lowering costs for every Michigan driver.”

Three billion dollars in auto insurance refunds are expected to be refunded to consumers in the second quarter of 2022.

Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland