A Beautiful Me Showcases Fun Hats at New Fundraiser

A Beautiful Me, a Port Huron-based nonprofit that empowers young women, held their final Avant Garde Hair Show last year after 10 years of hosting the unique event. However, the organization is still planning a November fundraising banquet that will carry-on their tradition of showcasing the artistry, confidence, and creativity of girls and women.

This year’s Signature Gala & Fashion Encore is Sunday, November 6th at Zuccaro’s Banquet Center in Chesterfield, and A Beautiful Me’s event committee is asking guests to celebrate with “Hats Off to Confidence”.

While the hair shows of the past focused on transforming models into works of art through outrageous hairstyles and elaborate costumes, this year’s gala encourages guests to wear their favorite derby hat to celebrate their own personalities in style.

A Beautiful Me Founder & Executive Director Karen Palka said she was inspired by women in a local networking group called “Girlfriends Lunch” and a patron of Gina’s Gallery downtown Port Huron who brought her the idea of an event that allowed women to showcase their favorite hats.

Volunteers for the event committee ran with the idea, and the night will showcase hats both on the runway and in the crowd. It will be organized into three parts that will be entertaining while also inspiring the audience and empowering the girls and women who are part of the show.

“Everyone who’s on the runway is building their confidence,” said Palka.

The fashion show part of the event will be run by Lori Ann Vought, an employee at The Closet by A Beautiful Me, who has years of experience running fashion shows. The show includes music, models, and culminates with a performance by two soloists accompanied by the Port Huron Northern Choir.

“You’ve got audience participation, you’ve got a fun night, and you feel like you went to a show, not just a fundraiser,” said Palka.

Tickets are available at abeautifulme.com

Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand