All that trash along the sides of Michigan’s highways is about to get cleaned up thanks to the Michigan Department of Transportation Adopt-A-Highway program. The first pickups of the year are scheduled for this weekend through May 1st in the Lower Peninsula. The Upper Peninsula has not quite reached spring-like weather and the first pickup in the U.P. is scheduled for early to mid-May.
State Transportation Director Paul C. Ajegba said, “We want to acknowledge the valuable service these thousands of Adopt-A-Highway volunteers provide each year keeping our roadsides clean.”
Ajegba said, “Their commitment to their communities makes a huge difference across Michigan. We also remind motorists to keep an eye out for the volunteers and drive cautiously during the pickup periods.”
Motorists should be aware of the volunteers who will be out keeping the highways and the environment clean. They will be wearing high-visibility vests and working in groups of three.
There are still sections of highways that are available for groups or businesses to adopt. There are three trash pickups throughout the year: this weekend’s pickup, a July pickup, and a September pickup.
Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland