The Cloverkids 4-H club will host their Annual Community Service Day this coming Saturday, at the Port Huron Senior Center at 600 Grand River Ave. in Port Huron 4-H is a program of Michigan State University which adds this event to the listing of service projects affiliated with the MSU Alumni Association’s Global Day of Service on April 13th, resulting in MSU Alumni and Supporters in the Bluewater area being given an opportunity to be a part of that Global initiative. The event takes place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and according to Mary Taylor, Cloverkids 4-H Club Administrative Leader, you can donate supplies or cash to purchase supplies. Taylor says there are a variety of ways people of all ages can be involved including providing items to make blankets and cards. Items needed include 2 pieces of fleece fabric 2 to 2 ½ yards long for the blankets and a number of items are needed to make cards. They will be collecting food pantry items, as well as items for Kids in Distress. A complete list can be found on the flyer that is posted on the WGRT Facebook page.