School days in and around the area are now underway, and attendance is already at the forefront. September is National Attendance Awareness Month. On their website, Attendance Works says that more than 8 million students are missing so many days of school they are academically at risk. Missing 10 percent or more of school days due to absence for any reason can translate into 3rd graders being unable to master reading, 6th graders failing a subject, or a 9th grader dropping out of high school. In a newsletter issued by Port Huron Schools, residents were reminded that every member of the community plays a role in reducing absences for students. Rather than approaching absences from a punishment perspective, Port Huron Schools wants students and families to know that they care first and foremost. The district wants to encourage positive relationships at school so the student feels welcomed and cared for every day upon arrival. The school district said they care about students getting the highest level of opportunity from their educational journey.