Beeler Serves as Chair of Taxpayer Protection Caucus

Lansing, MI — Last week, State Representative Andrew Beeler was asked to serve as the Caucus Chair for the newly formed Michigan House Taxpayer Protection Caucus. State Representative Steve Johnson, a Republican from Wayland, MI will be the Co-Chair.

Beeler said, “I am honored to be asked to chair this caucus. The members of our group all share a common belief that the taxpayers of Michigan need a strong voice in the Legislature, perhaps now more than ever.”

The Caucus is made up of State Representatives who signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge which places emphasis on the best interest of taxpayers instead of lobbyists or special interest groups. The pledge comes from a group called the Americans for Tax Reform, an advocacy group in the United States founded by Grover Norquist, and an essential element of the pledge is an opposition to any and all tax increases.

Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand