In a talk last week with St. Clair County Administrator Controller Karry Hepting, WGRT’s Cathie Martin and Hepting talked about a phone scam involving jury duty going on within the county. Hepting stated, an individual is calling people and telling them they have missed their jury duty appointment and there is a warrant out for their arrest. They say that if the victim would purchase a prepaid credit card to pay a fine, which they can purchase and pay for over the phone immediately, the warrant will be removed. Hepting says, the courts never establish contact with a juror over the phone and a legitimate agency would ever require a prepaid credit card for payment. She says if you receive a call, be sure to tell the person that you wish to have the claims mailed to you so that you can view it in person. If you have any questions, you can always call the St. Clair County Clerk’s office at 810-985-2200