Remember being a kid, getting outdoors and riding your bike? The Blue Water Ramble Bicycle Tour will try to reconnect you with some of those feelings on Sunday, June 23rd. They are hosting one of the largest one-day international bicycle tours in North America. Riders will enjoy the majesty of the Blue Water Area alongside the beautiful St. Clair River. Passing Great Lakes ships along the way will offer a view guaranteed to please cyclists of all ages. There are four different routes to choose from, including distances of 30, 45, 65, and 100 miles. The 30 and 65-mile routes are in the U.S. only. Riders on the 45 and 100-mile routes have the option to ride in Canada, as well. Each stop will include food, drink, restrooms, and assistance if needed. The main rest stop will be in the U.S. where a hot lunch will be served. For more details visit the BWR event page on Facebook.