Blue Water Safe Horizons Raising Awareness at Oct. 9 Event

Blue Water Safe Horizons is hosting the first ever Domestic Violence Awareness Resource Event for St. Clair County. It will be held at Pine Grove Park in Port Huron from noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday, October 9th. 

Blue Water Safe Horizons will have information available to help the community recognize the warning signs of domestic violence. There will also be activity tables where the community can earn SURVIVOR, ADVOCATE, or ALLY t-shirts. 

Elizabeth Sawielski, Blue Water Safe Horizons Executive Director, says, “The event is designed to increase awareness of intimate-partner domestic violence in our community and help others understand the resources that are available in St. Clair County. One in three women and one in four men in the U.S. have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner and the work that we do is so important to our community.” 

Blue Water Safe Horizons operates Carolyn’s Place, a 26-bed facility for time-limited emergency needs for women and children. Just last year, Blue Water Safe Horizons provided more than 5,000 nights of stay to victims, answered 500 crisis hotline calls, and served more than 500 women and children. 

Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland