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Tracking Santa

24 hours a day, 365 days a year, NORAD tracks everything that flies in and around North America. On December 24, each year, the North American Aerospace Defense Command is tasked with the special mission of also tracking Santa.

Since 1955, NORAD has been tracking Santa. It all started when a young child accidentally dialed the unlisted phone number of the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) Operations Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, believing she was calling Santa Claus after seeing a promotion in a local newspaper.

Air Force Colonel Harry Shoup, the commander on duty that night, was quick to realize a mistake had been made, and assured the youngster that CONAD would guarantee Santa a safe journey from the North Pole.

Thus, a tradition was born that rolled over to NORAD when it was formed in 1958. Each year since, NORAD has dutifully reported Santa’s location on December 24 to millions across the globe.

Thanks to the services and resources generously provided by numerous corporate contributors and volunteers, NORAD Tracks Santa has persevered for more than 60 years. Though the program began due to a misdialed number, NORAD Tracks Santa has flourished and is recognized as one of the Department of Defense’s largest community outreach programs.

Each year, the NORAD Tracks Santa website receives nearly 15 million unique visitors from more than 200 countries and territories around the world. Volunteers receive more than 130,000 calls to the NORAD Tracks Santa hotline from children around the globe. This year, children and the young-at-heart are able to track Santa through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. To see where Santa’s at, visit!

Mail Thefts

The Sanilac County Sheriff’s Office is investigating several reports of stolen mail in Custer and Wheatland Townships that have occurred within the last week. According to the Sheriff’s office, it is believed the thieves are targeting mailboxes looking for Christmas cards with money or gift cards inside. The targeted thefts, the sheriff says, should prompt residents to use caution in sending these types of items by mail.

The Sheriff’s Office is reminding residents that this is the time of year when people also fall prey to thefts of packages being left on door steps. Be sure to contact UPS, FedEx or any other delivery service if you are expecting packages, to schedule deliveries for times that someone is available to receive the package without it being left out in the open.

If anyone sees any suspicious activity or has any information on the mail theft, residents are encouraged to contact Sanilac County Central Dispatch at 810-648-2000 to report it.

Reporting for WGRT, Karly Hurley.

Salvation Army Seeking Donations

With just a few days left of the signature holiday bell ringing campaign tradition, the Salvation Army is reporting that the group is quite a bit behind last year’s campaign numbers.

According to Major Wesley Dalberg, Port Huron Corps Officer, “These donations are vital to The Salvation Army. These funds help [the group] reach out and help people in St. Clair County during the holidays and throughout the coming year.”

Some 700 families and over 1,300 children have already received assistance with Christmas gifts and food for holiday meals through the Salvation Army. Thousands more will receive help and hope during 2020 thanks to the generosity of St. Clair County residents. Year-end donations can be made in several ways. Of course, the red kettles in operation throughout the county are the most visible and convenient way if you are out and about. But the local Salvation Army wants residents to know they can also drop donations off to The Salvation Army at 2000 Court St. in Port Huron or give online at

Reporting for WGRT, Karly Hurley.

Skippers Dance Team Established

St. Clair County Community College (SC4) has announced a collegiate level Skippers Dance Team that will begin in the winter 2020 semester.

Through a SC4 Athletics partnership with the Huron Physical Arts Center (HPAC) in downtown Port Huron, the team will be coached by Laurie Charron, owner and head coach of the State, Regional and National Champion Starlites Competitive Dance Team organization.

SC4 Director of Athletics Dale Vos said the college is “pleased to offer this new opportunity” for students as many high schools and colleges offer dance teams. Vos said, “this partnership with Laurie and the Huron Physical Arts Center provides another great way for more students to become actively involved on campus and continue their passion for dance at a collegiate level right here in our region.”

The Skippers Dance team is open to any SC4 student who wishes to audition. The team will start training in January and is expected to perform at SC4 basketball games this season, as well as possibly during the NJCAA National Women’s Basketball Championship at SC4 in March. Future plans include the opportunity to compete against other college and university teams in the open division at competitive dance events next year.

Reporting for WGRT, Karly Hurley.

Marine City Hall Receives $50,000 Grant

The Historic Marine City Hall is an architectural treasure that was built in the late 1880s. Like any other historic building, it is in need of extensive repairs and maintenance. A recent $50,000 grant from an anonymous donor will go a long way toward getting this local building back to its former glory. 

The Friends of City Hall received the money earlier this month on December 6 and it is the largest grant they have received thus far. According to a statement on the official website for the Friends of City Hall, the funds will be dedicated to a fire suppression system.

The building was abandoned by Marine City in 2005 according to the Friends website, but the group has been working since 2011 to save the building from crumbling. The community has rallied to save the building, getting organized, and working ever since to bring the structure, listed on the National Register of Historic Places to life again.

Reporting for WGRT, Karly Hurley.

Present Wrapping Trick

Whether you are a pro gift wrapper or simply just try to cover the present as best as possible, we have all experienced that painstaking moment when wrapping a Christmas present and… there is not enough paper. Thankfully, a trick that is not only going to save paper but help solve this moment of defeat, is going viral on Twitter. 

Wrapping presents is not always easy, especially when items are odd shapes, and sometimes the best bet is to throw it in a bag and call it a day. With Christmas quickly approaching, some people have called this trick “life changing” and it is as simple as turning the gift diagonally. 

Many people took to Twitter and saw this amazing life hack and could not believe they did not know about it. There were a few that have seen the trick before, but it is pretty clear that plenty of people could have used this information years ago. If you’re struggling to wrap presents this year, do not worry, this trick will change the way you wrap gifts forever! 

Adapted from the Today Show’s “This easy gift wrapping hack is life changing — and saves paper!” by Lindsay Lowe.