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Bottle Returns Suspended

Returning cans and bottles to the store to get your deposit back is on hold for now, as everyone tries to avoid the COVID-19 virus. According to a statement from several beverage retailer associations, the ban on returns is in effect to protect workers. In a recent statement, the organizations explained,“the health, safety and well-being of employees and their families is top priority.” 

The associations are advising “retailers to no longer accept empty containers of beer, wine and soda and distributors of those beverages to no longer accept or collect the containers.” The COVID-19 virus can live on surfaces for several days, putting “employees and their loved ones at risk each time they collect empty beverage containers.” 

Food and beverage retailers are considered essential services and staff are still expected to work in the midst of Michigan’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” mandate.  In the meantime, residents will have to let those empties pile up in the garage and take them back when COVID -19 is under control and things are back to normal.

Mid City Nutrition Continues to Feed the Hungry

Mid City Nutrition in Port Huron is reminding those in need, that they are still continuing their mission to “serve the hungry of St. Clair County.” Mid City is continuing to serve meals at 805 Chestnut Street in the basement of St. Martin Lutheran Church Monday through Saturday from 11a.m. until noon and Sunday through Friday 4-5 p.m.

Mid City says the meals being passed out are hot and healthy, prepared individuals donating their time to make sure that no one in the community goes hungry. In a recent statement Mid City said they “are doing everything” in their power to make sure that volunteers and staff are provided a safe environment to continue to serve those in need. After being prepared, the meals are being handed out through a pickup style at the double doors of the center.

Mid City is also thanking all the volunteers and organizations who have pitched in to donate, prepare, pack up and pass out meals, along with those giving monetarily. Anyone with questions can call the kitchen at (810) 982-9261.

MEDC Grant for Thumb Area Small Businesses

The St. Clair County Economic Development Alliance (EDA) has announced that the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) has approved a regional grant for the I-69 Thumb Region.

Approval of this grant in the amount of $850,000 allows the I-69 Thumb Region, consisting of seven counties, to issue prompt Small Business Relief funding. St. Clair County’s portion of the grant is approximately $142,000. On Wednesday, March 26th, applications will open to St. Clair County small businesses who are encouraged to apply online via the Economic Development Alliance’s website, if they meet certain criteria.

The EDA is coordinating the submissions and processing of all St. Clair County applications. Local chambers have been invited to assist the EDA with reviewing applications and making recommendations for awards. It is anticipated that 14-20 businesses will be awarded grants averaging $8,000 with maximum grants of $10,000. Grant applications selected from St. Clair County will then move forward to be approved by a regional panel. Dan Casey will be sitting on the regional Review Panel as the economic development representative for St. Clair County. The goal of the MEDC and the EDA is to get funds disbursed to businesses quickly. The application period opens on March 26th and closes on March 30th.  

St. Clair County Cases Rise to 10

Michigan is reporting 2,295 confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 43 deaths.  St. Clair County has ten (10) confirmed COVID-19 cases, an increase of two since yesterday’s report:

·         52 year old female, no travel history, recovering at home

·         39 year old male, no travel history, hospitalized

St. Clair County Health Department is currently monitoring 36 people who are awaiting COVID-19 test results.

The St. Clair County Health Department receives information about confirmed COVID-19 cases from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. The number of COVID-19 tests are reported to the St. Clair County Health Department by hospital systems, however, may not be a complete report of all tests conducted.

According to Dr. Annette Mercatante, Medical Director at the St. Clair County Health Department, “There are several reasons we are seeing more COVID-19 patients being hospitalized. Hospitalized patients are prioritized for testing, so we will detect those patients more often. Additionally, complications due to COVID-19 typically occur after the first week of symptoms. Since we identified our first cases two weeks ago, it makes sense that we would see more cases that need advanced health care as this pandemic plays out. The most critical response to this event is that we slow transmission down by social distancing and quarantine efforts as needed so that our healthcare system can keep up with those that need the care. It is too early in this event to fully compare severity and other epidemiological factors with other locations, but we still have an opportunity to protect those people around us by following all the recommendations provided.”

The St. Clair County Emergency Operations Center functions as a centralized coordination of emergency resources to provide overall policy and guidance for strategic objectives related to the COVID-19 situation. For further information visit:;; or  A general St. Clair County COVID-19 Informational Hotline is available Monday through Friday, (810) 966-4163, 8:00am-4:30pm or email questions to The State of Michigan hotline is 1-888-535-6136 and is operational daily 8:00am – 5:00pm or email questions to

This information was submitted by the Joint Information Center at 4:33 PM on 3/25/2020

Health and Safety Item Donations for Medical Staff

To prepare for the expected increase in Coronavirus infections in the area, St. Clair County’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management has set up drop off zones for citizens to donate health and safety items. The items are intended to be used by medical staff and emergency first responders as their protection from infection is critical during this time of global pandemic. 

The Office is asking for donations of N-95 masks, which are the most effective at keeping pathogens out of airways. They are also accepting donations of handmade facemasks. A pattern for the masks is available on the Be Ready St. Clair County Facebook page. Hand sanitizer and cleaning and disinfecting wipes are also appreciated, as the virus can live on surfaces for a long period of time. The drop off points are Marysville High School, Port Huron High School, and Port Huron Northern High School. Items can be dropped off in the front lobbies of the schools.

BWROC Online Support Groups

The recent shutdowns across the state and nation have altered the routines of many across the Blue Water Area. While this may provide a little extra free time for people, Patrick Patterson, Center Manager at Blue Water Outreach & Recovery Center (BWROC), emphasizes that this free time can also be very precarious for those in recovery from addiction.

He says under normal circumstances, AA and NA meetings fill up, twice a day, and now they are empty, which can negatively impact recovery.

Patterson says, “For those early in recovery, even an hour alone can be a dangerous time and lead to unhealthy decisions. The social connection is critical. Manufacturing and food service have been heavily impacted lately, as when uncertainty in employment surfaces, it adds even more challenges.”

Patterson suggests a few activities to stay occupied at home including daily meditation, making a gratitude list, and working on a new budget.

Due to the closures, those looking for meetings are encouraged to join BWROC’s support groups have transitioned online and can be accessed at their website Those in need of information or assistance can also call 888-68-BWROC to speak directly with the organization.