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Port Huron Income Tax Deadline Extended

Port Huron city residents can put off paying their city income taxes until July 31. The Port Huron City Council voted to extend the deadline in response to the financial fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. No penalties or interest will be levied. 

Monday’s City Council meeting was a short one, as members and staff maintained social distancing while having a required public meeting. No residents were in attendance. 

In addition to voting to extend the deadline for tax payment, the council voted to pay for supplies to keep the water and sewer plant running properly. Mayor Pauline Repp explained that water service has been restored to 150 residences and shutoffs have been halted until further notice, but residents are encouraged to keep paying their water bills. 

The Council also voted to accept a bid from Raymond Excavating for the combined sewer separation project near the Blue Water Bridge, in the amount of nearly $2 million. 

In other city news, residents can look forward to having their curbside yard waste picked up in containers or compost bags beginning the week of April 6.

CALEA Re-accredits Port Huron Police Department

The Port Huron Police Department has been re-accredited by CALEA for the ninth time. CALEA is a nationally based organization that ensures compliance to a broad set of established professional standards with a voluntary accreditation process. CALEA accreditation is considered an elite status among law enforcement agencies with only 11 agencies in the State of Michigan currently accredited. 

When the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police (MACP) recently formed a State of Michigan accreditation program of their own, the Port Huron Police Department entered that process as well and achieved state accreditation status in 2018. The Port Huron Police Department is one out of only three agencies to be dually accredited by CALEA and MACP. 

The goal of CALEA is to strengthen crime prevention and control capabilities, formalize essential management procedures, and increase community and staff confidence in their agency, among other goals.

The Port Huron Police Department’s 9th on-site assessment was conducted in November 2019. The assessment process occurs every four (4) years and entails detailed scrutiny of police policies and procedures by highly trained assessors.

Regular Blue Water Area Transit Routes Suspended

Buses in the Blue Water Area are still running, but by Demand-Response, or “Dial-a-Ride”, only. Beginning Tuesday, regular Blue Water Area Transit routes were suspended. The suspension is part of the mandated effort to allow only essential travel and help slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. 

Some people rely on the bus to get to their employment at workplaces that are deemed essential, or to pick up food and medicine, and the bus system is still there for them. The hours of operation are 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

Riders are asked to enter and exit the bus via the back door and to maintain at least six feet between riders. Bus rides are free at this time. The Downtown Transit Center and the main office of Blue Water Area Transit are closed, but the Dial-a Ride line is being answered.

In their statement, the Blue Water Area Transit asks riders to stay home unless they are designated as a critical infrastructure worker or are travelling for essential goods and services. The number for dispatch of the Demand-Response bus is 810-987-7373, Option 2.

Tuesday’s Update from St. Clair County

Michigan is reporting 1,791 confirmed cases, including 24 deaths.  St. Clair County remains at eight (8) confirmed cases. St. Clair County Health Department is monitoring 33 people under investigation and monitoring 59 people which includes travelers, and contacts to suspect and confirmed cases.

Addressing Common Community Concerns

  1. For more information regarding whether you are considered an essential worker or not, first contact your employer.  Some employers may also provide letters for essential employees.  If you receive a letter, keep it in your vehicle however, people will not be stopped by law enforcement to provide proof. For guidance on essential workforce, visit, or e-mail .
  2. Due to the heavy volume of testing, results may not be available for 10 business days or longer. Results can be obtained from the testing facility.  The St. Clair County Health Department does not have access to all of the results.

For further information visit:;; or  A general St. Clair County COVID-19 Informational Hotline is available Monday through Friday, (810) 966-4163, 8:00am-4:30pm or email questions to The State of Michigan hotline is 1-888-535-6136 and is operational daily 8:00am – 5:00pm or email questions to

This information was submitted by the Joint Information Center on 3/24/20

Local Boutique Leading Effort to Provide Masks to Medical Personnel

Polka Dot Pandas Boutique in Downtown Port Huron is leading an effort to get hand-sewn masks made for local medical personnel who are dealing with and preparing for the COVID-19 pandemic. Cloth masks can be washed and reused and are helpful in preserving the supply of N95 masks. 

Tricia Comtois, spokesperson for the family-owned business said that they decided to close their downtown business completely and dedicate their efforts to producing the masks and coordinating efforts with their network of home seamstresses. The response has been mighty as the community tries to find ways to help. 

The masks are not for sale, and orders are not being taken for personal masks. Donating money for the purchase of fabric is helpful, and there is a Paypal link on their Facebook page, “Port Huron Pandas.” Details are on Polka Dot Pandas’ Facebook page. Once the masks are sewn, they will be delivered to the Be Ready St. Clair County Emergency Response Team who decides which medical facilities need them. Comtois said the response has been overwhelming and directs interested donors or sewers to her updates on the Facebook page.

Statewide Testing Waiver

The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) received preliminary approval over the weekend from the U.S. Department of Education to waive a number of federal requirements for statewide student testing and school accountability.

State Board of Education President Dr. Casandra Ulbrich and State Superintendent Dr. Michael Rice sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos on March 17, to urge the secretary to grant a nationwide waiver of statewide student assessments in favor of focusing on the more immediate needs of children.

The U.S. Department of Education responded last Friday by offering every state the opportunity to submit expedited waiver requests for a number of federal testing and accountability requirements. MDE submitted its request late Friday afternoon.

Dr. Rice noted in the letter for the waiver that the school closures are in response to extraordinary circumstances for which a national emergency has been declared and that the school closures “will protect the health and safety of students, staff, and our communities.” Michigan’s annual M-STEP tests are scheduled to begin the week of April 13 and run through May 28.

If the public or local school districts would like to comment on this federal assessment and accountability waiver request, they can do so through the email address