Port Huron Income Tax Deadline Extended
Port Huron city residents can put off paying their city income taxes until July 31. The Port Huron City Council voted to extend the deadline in response to the financial fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic. No penalties or interest will be levied.
Monday’s City Council meeting was a short one, as members and staff maintained social distancing while having a required public meeting. No residents were in attendance.
In addition to voting to extend the deadline for tax payment, the council voted to pay for supplies to keep the water and sewer plant running properly. Mayor Pauline Repp explained that water service has been restored to 150 residences and shutoffs have been halted until further notice, but residents are encouraged to keep paying their water bills.
The Council also voted to accept a bid from Raymond Excavating for the combined sewer separation project near the Blue Water Bridge, in the amount of nearly $2 million.
In other city news, residents can look forward to having their curbside yard waste picked up in containers or compost bags beginning the week of April 6.