Tax Filing Deadline Extended to July 15
The Treasury Department and the IRS have extended the filing deadline for 2019 federal income taxes to July 15, in response to the financial crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to local tax advisor, Jo Lynn Manns, CPA with UHY in Port Huron, the extension applies to corporate and individual filings, which were due on April 15. First quarter estimated tax filings have been extended to July 15, also, while second quarter remains at June 15, pending further policy updates.
Taxes on income from self-employment are included in the July 15 extension. The payroll tax deadline has not been extended. For those expecting a refund, the IRS advises to file now, if you haven’t already. At this time, refunds are not officially delayed, and “The IRS is continuing to process tax returns, issue refunds and help taxpayers to the greatest extent possible,” according to
All Taxpayer Assistance Centers nationwide have been closed. At this time, there have been no changes to the April 15 deadline for state taxes, but that could change anytime. Further details and updated information on tax deadlines can be found at