Government Seeks Local Help for Census
The U.S. Government is asking for local help to staff and complete the census. The census has been taken every 10 years since 1790, and according to the U.S. Census Bureau, “The goal of the 2020 Census is to count everyone who lives in the United States to determine congressional representation in the states and inform how billions of dollars in federal funds are distributed to states and local communities every year for critical public services and infrastructure, including health clinics, schools, roads and emergency services.”
A hiring event for census workers was recently held at the Michigan Works! Career Center, but there are more jobs available. Applicants can register online at Applicants are required to be at least 18 years of age with a valid mailing address and social security number. The temporary jobs pay $18 per hour, and they will last from May to July.
Reporting for WGRT, Karly Hurley.