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Bureau of Services for Blind Persons Honors Local Woman

The Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP) recently held their Achievement Honor Roll Awards in Lansing and one local woman was among the individuals that were honored. 

Laura Booth of Marysville received the award from the group for successfully advocating for voice crosswalks in her neighborhood. Booth spent four weeks at the BSBP Training Center to improve her independent living skills and receive mobility training.  As a client of BSBP she became eligible for the award. Laura is an advocate for herself and others and has sought services for herself through the BSBP so that she can live independently as she has a diagnosis that will leave her blind in the years to come. BSBP Director Bill Robinson said, “BSBP’s  programs and services are designed to partner with and provide support to clients so they can achieve a greater quality of life and support themselves independently.” He finished by saying, “Each BSBP client deserves to be recognized for going above and beyond the goals they’ve set for themselves.”

Booth said she was “shocked” to learn she had received the award.  Being nominated by her teacher at the BSBP, she was one of several candidates in the running for the award and was ultimately selected by the BSBP board to receive the honor. Booth said the award itself was created by blind students at the Center for the Blind, and includes braille and raised lettering on the award. The BSBP presents the award annually to individuals who are exemplary in exceeding their goals for personal success.

Reporting for WGRT, Mike Smith.

Marysville Mayor Announces Run for Circuit Court Judge

Marysville Mayor, Dan Damman attended his last city council meeting as mayor this week. Damman formally announced that he will be running in the 2020 election for Circuit Court Judge in St. Clair County. The Honorable Daniel J. Kelly, who currently holds the seat must retire at the end of 2020 because of the Michigan Constitution’s requirement of mandatory retirement for judges who reach the age of 70. 

At the city council meeting, Damman thanked those who supported him throughout the course of his time serving as a Council Member, and then as Mayor. Voters in Marysville will decide on Tuesday, November 5th who will fill those seats for the council and the Mayor’s office. Those running for the three open council seats are Michael Deising, Kathleen Hayman, Paul Wessel, and Shawn Winston. Wayne Pyden is the only candidate running for Mayor.

Reporting for WGRT, Karly Hurley

MEDC Holds Annual Meeting

The Chief Executive Officer of the Economic Development Alliance (EDA) of St. Clair County, Dan Casey was recently in Lansing as the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) held their annual Interlocal and Corporate partners meeting. Casey said that “the MEDC has the annual meeting to bring its partners up to speed on changes to programs, the budget, or other strategic initiatives.” He said, “this year, the focus was on the new MEDC strategic plan that was just approved by the Michigan Strategic Fund Board, which is appointed by the governor.

Casey explained that over the years, “the MEDC has maintained interlocal agreements with many economic development agencies in the state, and St. Clair County’s EDA has signed such an agreement.” Casey said the agreement “essentially establishes the relationship and roles of the MEDC and the local partner.” President and CEO of the MEDC, Jeff Mason presented a 5 year strategic direction of economic development in the state of Michigan at the meeting. According to the MEDC, the strategic plan that was unveiled is committed to enabling long-term economic opportunity for all Michiganders.

Reporting for WGRT, Karly Hurley

Road Closures

Lambs Road between Wales Center Road and Fitz Road in Wales Township is now open to traffic. Crews removed the existing bridge, installed a new aluminum arch, guardrail, and completed paving. 

At the southern end of the county, Mayer Road between Gratiot and Rattle Run Road in St. Clair Township is now closed to traffic. Crews will be removing the bridge surface, waterproofing the existing bridge deck, installing a new guardrail and more. Mayer Road is going to be closed for approximately 21 consecutive days. The suggested detour is Gratiot Road, and Rattle Run Road. Access will be maintained to local traffic within the construction zone, including homes and businesses. Access across Rattle Run Creek on Mayer Road will not be permitted. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. The cost of the project is estimated at $40,000.

Reporting for WGRT, Karly Hurley.

Local Elections November 5th

November 5th will mark election day for several communities around the area. Residents in St. Clair and Fort Gratiot will have items to vote on in the upcoming Tuesday election. In St. Clair, voters are being asked to increase their millage by one mill to provide funds to defray the cost of retirement and pension programs for city employees.  The ballot says that it is a renewal of the millage previously approved for that purpose. 

A millage vote will also take place in Fort Gratiot. Voters will be asked for funding to continue to provide police protection for residents. The 2.5 mill increase will raise approximately one-million dollars in its first year. Those monies will be exclusively earmarked to police protection within the township. The increase would be for a five-year period ending in 2023, and would replace a 2.0 millage that voters had previously approved. That millage expired in 2018.

Reporting for WGRT, Karly Hurley.

Kids in Distress Winter Donations

As the weather is getting colder, and snow is in the forecast, there are individuals in the area that need help to dress warm this winter.  Linda Acton, Store Manager for Kids in Distress in St. Clair, sees the need firsthand. She said the organization, in a regular day, sees between 60 and 80 kids who need clothing.  With winter coming, she said that number climbed to 114 on just one day. 

Kids in Distress is a non-profit organization based in St. Clair that has a mission to help children and teens. The organization provides clothing and hygiene items free of charge if an adolescent is unexpectedly removed from home.  The child or teen may be entering foster care, shelter, or might be left homeless by a fire among other possibilities. Children and teens can get a referral for the free clothing from several local agencies. 

Currently, Kids in Distress says they are in desperate need of boys and girls clothes sizes 5 through 12. They also need coats that will fit boys, girls, men, and women through 3x. The organization is also accepting boots sizes 1 through men’s size 13 and girls size 1 through 12.

Reporting for WGRT, Mike Smith.