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Senator Lauwers Supports Reform To Reduce Auto Insurance Rates

Sen. Dan Lauwers on Tuesday supported legislation to reduce auto insurance rates in Michigan by providing drivers more coverage choices, cracking down on fraud and lawsuit abuse, and reducing inflated medical costs.  “A constant theme as I travel the district has been, ‘fix the high cost of auto insurance — now’; in fact, in the past seven years, I haven’t been in a public setting where this issue hasn’t come up,” said Lauwers, R-Brockway Township. “The bill passed today finally addresses this problem and provides long-overdue relief.”  According to an October 2018 report, Michigan drivers pay the highest auto insurance rates in the country — 83% higher than the national average. A recent University of Michigan study also said that auto insurance rates are unaffordable in 97% of the state’s ZIP codes.  Senate Bill 1 would require auto insurers to offer Michigan drivers at least three new personal injury protection (PIP) coverage options, including the ability of drivers with qualified medical coverage — such as health insurance, Medicare or Medicaid — to opt out of PIP coverage since they already have medical coverage for injuries.  The legislation would also reduce out-of-control medical costs that are passed on to drivers via higher rates, cut fraud and conflicts of interest in the auto insurance system, and reduce the announced $220 annual Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association fee by 80%.  “This provision alone means an immediate savings of $180 per vehicle,” Lauwers said. “On my farm that means a $1,260 reduction.”  SB 1 now heads to the Michigan House for further consideration.


Quit Smoking For Free!

The Michigan Tobacco Quitline is a free program that can increase your chance of success in quitting tobacco. Their team of friendly coaches can help you make a plan that is right for you. If you enroll now through June 15, you will also get 2 weeks of your choice of nicotine gum, patches or lozenges. The Quitline is available 24 hours a day, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669) or click the link above for online service.   In an effort to best serve the recovery community and those individuals seeking recovery, Blue Water Recovery and Outreach Center  will be launching a new website which includes all local recovery resources in one spot, the ability to sign up for recovery events, recovery news, recovery happens video series and how to partner together and join the fight against addiction.  So be sure to keep a lookout for that new website.

Election Results For May 7th

Voters were at the polls yesterday, May 7th to decide on a number of issues.   Preliminary results show that in Algonac, the Schools non-homestead millage proposal passed.  In East China voters said no to the schools proposal.  Cros-Lex voted yes to their sinking fund proposal.  Ira Township passed a police millage that is a renewal of previously authorized 1.0 mill and an increase of .5 mills for a total millage of 1.5 mills.  The Ira Township fire proposal was approved.


Michigan Families Urged To Learn About Resources During Perinatal Mood And Anxiety Disorders Awareness Month

May is Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Awareness (PMAD) Month and Michigan women and families are being urged to learn more about PMAD and available resources by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Division of Maternal and Infant Health.  PMAD, historically known as postpartum depression, affect many Michigan families each year. PMAD is different and more intense than the “baby blues” that many women experience in the weeks after birth of a baby.  Symptoms can feel overwhelming and include depression, anxiety, guilt, irritability, anger, difficulty sleeping and eating, feeling disconnected from one’s baby and experiencing frightening and intrusive thoughts. These symptoms can appear during pregnancy and up to two years after a baby is born. PMAD can affect birth mothers, fathers and adoptive mothers.  “PMAD affects the physical health and emotional well-being of pregnant and postpartum women,” said Dr. Joneigh Khaldun, MDHHS chief medical executive and chief deputy director for health. “We must join together to increase awareness, reduce stigma and assist women with getting the support and treatment they need.” To help increase understanding of the disorders, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has proclaimed May as PMAD Awareness Month and the Michigan Statewide Perinatal Mood Disorder Coalition is hosting its annual Walk on the Capitol Wednesday, May 8, noon – 2 p.m., at the state Capitol.  For more information about PMAD and available resources, visit the Maternal Infant Health Program website.

IDC Rolling Out Pilot Program To Assist Opioid Addicts

Inmates who are addicted to opioids will have a new opportunity to get into recovery at the St. Clair County Intervention and Detention Center.  A pilot program, called Medication Assisted Treatment, or MAT will begin on May 9th.  The program is designed with a multi-prong approach to assist those who are attempting to recover from an opioid addiction.  Inmates who are involved in the program will have a variety of medical treatment options.  They may receive a daily dose of methadone, a daily dose of suboxone or a monthly injection of Vivitrol.  Inmates in the program will also be involved with treatment groups and one on one counseling.  There are only 12 openings available in the pilot program, which is funded through Federal State Targeted Response (STR) funds from Region 10 Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan (PIHP) and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS).  “We are pleased to be a part of this pilot program to fight the opioid epidemic,” said Sheriff Tim Donnellon.  “We are hoping to see a lot of success with those who go through this program.”  In addition to the medication and counseling at the IDC, inmates involved will each have a case worker, who will assist them in getting into an aftercare program once they are released.  “I am hopeful that this program eliminates opioid use for those inmates involved,” said Deborah O’Brien, Program Director at the Intervention and Detention Center.  “They are beginning a program in jail and will be set up for continuing treatment once they have served their sentence here.”  Oakland County is already participating in the MAT, with Macomb County scheduled to be a part of the pilot program in the near future.

Southern St. Clair County Flooding

St Clair County Emergency Operation Center is partially activated. Local Emergency Management officials are aware water is impeding on roads, homes and buildings. If your home is impacted please contact the Emergency Operation Center at 810.989.6392 or via email at Please include your address, phone number, foundation type, amount of water in your home, and damage pictures in the email.  This is a very dynamic situation and does have the opportunity to change quickly with amount of projected rainfall, wind direction and waves depending on where you are located within the county. Please pay attention to National Weather Service watches and warnings regarding information in your local area.  If you need sandbags, please contact your Local Township or city office.
The following locations are providing sandbags to their residents:
 Clay Township Water Department on Muskrat Run between the hours of 7am and 3:30pm.
 Ira Township Office 7085 Meldrum Rd. Monday – Thursday 7am – 5pm
 Or email Algonac DPW at (810) 794-9361
 East China Twp located west of the waste water treatment plant 1244 Recor Rd, East China Twp, MI
Please make your local government officials aware of any flood damage to occupied dwellings.
Here are safety measures to take for flooding:
What to do if my house starts to flood:
 Stop the flow of water and minimize damage.
 Move essential items to an upper floor
 Disconnect electrical appliances. Do not touch electrical equipment if you are wet or standing in water
 Shut off water, gas and electricity, if you are instructed to do so.
If you need to leave your house, you should do the following:
 Secure your home.
 Take your disaster kit (remember medicine, vital documents, food for your unique situation)
 Take your pets and supplies need to care for your pets.
 Shelter locations will be opened in the event you are to leave your home and are in need of sheltering. Contact
your city or township office.
 If you cannot physically leave or have difficulty call Central Dispatch at 810-985-8115 or dial 911
 Notify your insurance company
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ST. CLAIR COUNTY WINS SYSTEM will be used to contact you in an emergency situation.  If you have caller ID, you may not recognize the number, however please answer and receive the information.
Stay Informed
 Listen for updates on the radio or television.
 Check the Be Ready St Clair County Facebook page for updates.
 Check the local government website
If you need assistance:
If you need any non-life threatening assistance related to the flood, please call
your local dispatch at 810-794-9381 for Clay/Ira Township all others call: 810-985-
8115 or dial 2-1-1 for local community-based organization disaster response