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Annual Banquet Raises Important Funding

On April 27, Hunter Hospitality House held their 7th annual fundraising banquet, Hope Blooms, at the Blue Water Convention Center.  Over 650 people attended the event, supporting free healthcare lodging in two bed-and-breakfast style homes located across the street from each hospital in Port Huron.   Fifty-nine sponsors, four Woman’s Life chapters, and hundreds of individuals generously contributed, netting over $45,000 for the everyday operations at Hunter Hospitality House.  “Forty-five thousand dollars is huge to a small nonprofit organization like ours,” explained Executive Director, Tracy Willard.  “We’re immensely grateful to have a community that embraces our mission, making sure we have the funding necessary to accommodate the families of hospitalized loved ones, as well as those with medical treatment of their own.”  “Every year I am blown away at how much this event grows,” said HHH Board Member and former guest, Andrea Nunn-Mencavage, of Lexington.  “It was a fantastic evening.  I am so blessed to be part of this organization.” Shelley Dompierre, of Applegate, won the Hunter Hospitality House Volunteer of the Year Award during the banquet.  Angie Twichell, of Port Huron, won the Paula Flynn Godwin Spirit of Hunter Hospitality House Award.  Hope Blooms 2020 will be held April 18 at the Blue Water Convention Center.  To learn more about Hunter Hospitality House, visit their website at

The Barn Theatre Celebrating 40 Years – Auditions For Summer Shows This Weekend

The Barn Theatre is celebrating 40 years!  Located at the south end of Port Sanilac on M-25, on the grounds of the Sanilac County Historical Museum, it is a come as you are kind of theatre, where the dress code is “comfortable.”  According to Jeffrey Pedue, President of the Board, the Barn Theatre started in 1980 with just one show, and now they produce seven full length shows each summer.   This year’s schedule includes Annoyance, On Golden Pond, and The Savannah Sipping Society among others.  Auditions for all the performances will take place this weekend Friday from 4 to 6 p.m. for children, 6 to 8 p.m. for adults and Saturday noon to 2 p.m. for children and 2 to 4 p.m. for adults.  You do not have to schedule a time, Pedue says just come out.  For more information, log on to


Tornado Warning Sirens In Port Huron Experiencing Technical Difficulties

The City of Port Huron is experiencing technical difficulties with the activation and deactivation of our network of Tornado Warning Sirens throughout the City.  We are working with Central Dispatch, technical staff and contractors to correct the issue. However, until further notification, residents should not rely on the sirens for storm or tornado warnings and should instead monitor weather conditions using tv, radio and weather radios.  Our Tornado Siren network is connected to Central Dispatch using a VHF radio connection. We are having
issues with that connection.

34th Annual River Run Hosted By Visiting Nurse Association & Blue Water Hospice

The days are getting warmer which means it’s almost time for the 34th annual River Run! This year’s event will be Saturday, June 1 at Marysville Park. Participants choose between a 10k or 5k run, 3-mile walk or a 1-mile fun run.  The cost is $30 per person for the 10k, 5k, and 3-mile events, if registered by May 21. After that date, the cost goes up to $40. Cost for youth age 9-13 is discounted. The 1-mile fun run is $15. Register prior to May 21 to get a t-shirt and take advantage of the lower rate. Sign up at and search 2019 River Run. You can also register through the VNA by calling 810-984-4131.  Race packet pick up is Friday, May 31, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the VNA located at 1430 Military Street, Port Huron, or on race day at Marysville Park from 6:30 – 7:30 a.m.  Are you interested in sponsoring the event? A few opportunities are still available! Contact Jeannie Westbrook at or call 810-388-6054 to learn more.  Maybe you don’t like to run, however, you can volunteer! . Contact Heidi Benner at or call 810-989-2452.   “This is our largest annual fundraiser for VNA and Blue Water Hospice, and we rely on the support of our very generous community. Last year, with help through community partners, we were able to provide more than $928,000 in charity care to our patients. We raise funds and have fun at the River Run” says Angela DeLaere, president and CEO of VNA/BWH.  For more information on the race, registering, volunteering, or sponsorships, contact the VNA/BWH at 810-984-4131.

Senator Lauwers Supports Reform To Reduce Auto Insurance Rates

Sen. Dan Lauwers on Tuesday supported legislation to reduce auto insurance rates in Michigan by providing drivers more coverage choices, cracking down on fraud and lawsuit abuse, and reducing inflated medical costs.  “A constant theme as I travel the district has been, ‘fix the high cost of auto insurance — now’; in fact, in the past seven years, I haven’t been in a public setting where this issue hasn’t come up,” said Lauwers, R-Brockway Township. “The bill passed today finally addresses this problem and provides long-overdue relief.”  According to an October 2018 report, Michigan drivers pay the highest auto insurance rates in the country — 83% higher than the national average. A recent University of Michigan study also said that auto insurance rates are unaffordable in 97% of the state’s ZIP codes.  Senate Bill 1 would require auto insurers to offer Michigan drivers at least three new personal injury protection (PIP) coverage options, including the ability of drivers with qualified medical coverage — such as health insurance, Medicare or Medicaid — to opt out of PIP coverage since they already have medical coverage for injuries.  The legislation would also reduce out-of-control medical costs that are passed on to drivers via higher rates, cut fraud and conflicts of interest in the auto insurance system, and reduce the announced $220 annual Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association fee by 80%.  “This provision alone means an immediate savings of $180 per vehicle,” Lauwers said. “On my farm that means a $1,260 reduction.”  SB 1 now heads to the Michigan House for further consideration.


Quit Smoking For Free!

The Michigan Tobacco Quitline is a free program that can increase your chance of success in quitting tobacco. Their team of friendly coaches can help you make a plan that is right for you. If you enroll now through June 15, you will also get 2 weeks of your choice of nicotine gum, patches or lozenges. The Quitline is available 24 hours a day, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669) or click the link above for online service.   In an effort to best serve the recovery community and those individuals seeking recovery, Blue Water Recovery and Outreach Center  will be launching a new website which includes all local recovery resources in one spot, the ability to sign up for recovery events, recovery news, recovery happens video series and how to partner together and join the fight against addiction.  So be sure to keep a lookout for that new website.