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Volunteer Training To Begin At Blue Water Pregnancy Care Center

The Blue Water Pregnancy Care Center will be opening training for volunteers beginning Thursday, March 21.  According to Executive Director Jennifer McDonald they recognize there are numerous opportunities for area residents to use their skills and passions to volunteer in the community.  Therefore, she says, if you choose to volunteer for the Blue Water Pregnancy Care Center, she would like you to know that your involvement “lightens the burden” of others by assisting the staff in the day-to-day responsibilities of the Center, listening to and advocating for women experiencing unintended pregnancy, and by helping to create a culture of life within our community.  Volunteers are needed in a variety of areas including, Client Advocate and mentors, boutique shopping assistant, general support and office assistant, cleaners, Church Liaison, public speaking and more.  You can find out more about becoming a volunteer by calling the Blue Water Pregnancy Care Center office at 810-985-4673 or log on to

Emrick Scores Big With Town Hall Crowd

Mike Emrick was the final speaker in the Port Huron Town Hall 2018-19 lecture series which finished up Monday.   Now in his 40th year covering professional hockey, five time Emmy Award-winning announcer Mike “Doc” Emrick has called more than 3,000 hockey games.  Emrick spoke about his first announcing job, right here in Port Huron, at McMorran announcing the Flags games and working for John Wismer.   He moved on to work for numerous major networks over his broadcast career, as well as serving as the lead announcer of men’s and women’s hockey in during three different Winter Olympics.  While Emrick touched on specifics of his career, his basic talk was about the people he has met along the way and their influence on him, citing Ernie Harwell, and numerous others he has taken life lessons from.  This certainly ranked as one of the best Town Hall talks in some time.  Next season’s line-up includes Capt. Mark Kelly, Steve Hartman, THREE MEN and a TENOR, Elizabeth Smart and the Capitol Steps.


Where Does The Money From Seized Assets In Drug Busts Go?

What happens to seized assets that are related to criminal investigations on controlled substances, identity theft and other crimes?  Reports say that agencies itemize how the money taken in from seized assets was spent.   A recent article in MLive written by Scott Levin stated, last year 36% of all money seized was devoted to equipment like records management systems, mobile data terminals, live stream video, and evidence collection enhancements.  That represented the highest percentage spent in expenditures, with only the category “Other” breaking a double digit share of the pot at 17%. “Other” encompasses things like cell phones, GPS trackers, vehicle purchases, off-site storage units for toxic materials and various evidence collection materials.  Levin wrote that in 2017, the Michigan State Police reported police agencies got $13.1 million.   However, a new bill recently passed the State senate that would prohibit seizures of property valued at less than $50,000 without a conviction in a case.  That bill is currently making its way through the legislative process.

SC4 Basketball Team Headed To Nationals

The St. Clair County Community College Athletics Men’s Basketball Team was named National Junior College Athletic Association Division II District Champion after defeating the Henry Ford Hawks 88-71 in Grand Rapids Saturday.  The team will now head to Danville, Illinois for the 2019 NJCAA Division II National Championship, March 19-23, 2019.  Additionally, Skippers Jalen Miller, Mark Hill and Omari Duncan made the All-Tournament Team. And Duncan was selected as the tournament MVP!  This marks the second trip to the national championship for men’s basketball at SC4. It is also the second trip for Coach Dale Vos in his 28-year career.  Craig Archer of Marysville, along with Richard Field of Port Huron serve as Assistant Coaches.



Lake Huron Medical Center Offers “Until There’s A Cure, There’s Care”

Lake Huron Medical Center is offering a 3-part program series, “Until There’s a Cure, There’s Care,” based on Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Care (PAC) beginning Thursday, April 11, 2019. Teepa Snow is a nationally recognized dementia educator who has helped thousands of people by sharing her dementia care philosophy and caregiving techniques.  Lake Huron Medical Center’s Senior Services Coordinator, Rosemary Hunger, a Positive Approach to Care (PAC) Certified Trainer will provide caregivers with Dementia Awareness, knowledge and skills to better understand how it feels to be living with dementia and related changes.  The “Until There’s a Cure, There’s Care” programs will be held in the first floor conference room at Lake Huron Medical Center, 2601 Electric Avenue, in Port Huron. The program times are 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm.  Program dates and topics are listed below:

Thursday, April 11, 2019 – Dementia Awareness – the Changing Brain

Thursday, April 18, 2019 – Building Positive Skills

Thursday, April 25, 2019 – Teepa’s Gems: The Stages of Dementia

While attending all three seminars is not a requirement, it is encouraged because the topics build on each other. To register for the “Until There’s a Cure, There’s Care” program, please contact Rosemary Hunger at (810) 216-1035.  For more information on the programs and events at Lake Huron Medical Center, please visit



Final Town Hall Speaker Talk Of The Season

Today marks the completion of the 2018-19 season of Port Huron Town Hall’s Speaker Series.  This is the 64th year of event that brings in five guest speakers from October through March, which include a variety of celebrities.  At today’s session, Mike Emrick will be the special guest.  Now in his 40th year covering professional hockey, five time Emmy Award-winning announcer Mike “Doc” Emrick has called more than 3,000 hockey games.  During his successful broadcast career, Emrick served as the television voice of the New Jersey Devils for 21 years, was the lead announcer of men’s and women’s hockey at the 2014 Sochi Olympics, marking his 3rd Winter Olympics appearance, and is currently the play-by-play voice for NBC Sports Group’s NHL coverage.  In 2011,with numerous awards to his credit, Emrick became the first-ever broadcaster inducted into the United States Hockey Hall of Fame.  Next season’s line-up includes Capt. Mark Kelly, Steve Hartman, THREE MEN and a TENOR, Elizabeth Smart and Capitol Steps.