Man Shot By Police Found Competent To Stand Trial
On January 5, 2019, at approximately 7:15 a.m., Port Huron Police were called to the McDonald’s on Pine Grove Avenue in Port Huron to a report of a man stabbing himself and an attempted carjacking. Three officers found 21-year-old Genio Morgan walking southbound on Pine Grove Avenue between Church and Elmwood streets. Reports say Morgan was covered in blood and armed with a knife when he charged the officers in an aggressive manner. One officer fired multiple shots, hitting Morgan, who continued to advance before being subdued. The shooting was investigated by the Michigan State Police, was ruled justified. On March 5, a report finding him competent to stand trial was presented to the court and a preliminary examination was scheduled for 1:30 p.m. March 19 in front of Judge John Monaghan. Morgan is also a facing a second set of charges of operating under the influence causing incapacitating injury and failing to stop at the scene of a serious personal injury crash from a July, 2018 incident. A preliminary examination for that case is scheduled for the same time March 19.