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Blue Water Safe Horizons To Host “LOL Comedy Show” Fundraiser

Do you need a good chuckle? How about a good belly laugh?  Blue Water Safe Horizons is will host its second annual “LOL Comedy Show” from 6 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, March 21 at Solitude Links Golf Course and Banquet Center, 5810 Flinchbaugh Rd. in Kimball Township.  Headlining this year’s fundraising event will be DJ Samar, a Michigan native and 30-year resident of Phoenix, Arizona, who performs at venues throughout both states. He is a regular performer at the Comedy Spot in Scottsdale, Arizona, and has also performed at Stand Up Live and Rick Bronson’s House of Comedy in Phoenix, among other venues. He also performs for numerous charity events.   Samar, who is also a professional golfer and member of the PGA, recently performed at PGA HOPE Foundation Comedy Fundraisers in Phoenix and Tucson.  “I am the stand-up comedian never seen on Comedy Central, HBO or even PBS, but I am seen wherever I am!” said Samar.  This comedy show will also feature some familiar faces, including local politicians and businessmen and women, including:

–Radio First/WPHM Personality Paul Miller

–SEMCO Director of Marketing Tim Lubbers
–Marysville Mayor Dan Damman

–Werth Production’s Ernest Werth-Toward

–And a number of other familiar faces!

The event will include a cocktail hour with hors d’oeuvres and a DJ.  Sponsorship opportunities are available for businesses and individuals who wish to be a part of this event.  “Blue Water Safe Horizons deals with very, very serious issues every day of the year…there is no holiday break or summer vacation from domestic violence, sexual assault and elder abuse,” said Diane Baur, executive director of Blue Water Safe Horizons.   “We appreciate the support given to us over the years by the community and we hope to strengthen our relationships with our friends at this light-hearted and entertaining fundraising event because we all need to laugh once in a while.” Tickets are $50 each and are available for purchase online via EventBrite, or by contacting Blue Water Safe Horizons at (810) 989-5246.

March Is National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month and to celebrate, the St. Clair County Health Department, and the Michigan Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program joins the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to remind residents about the importance of making informed food choices and developing healthy eating and physical activity habits.  Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle.  Follow these healthy eating tips throughout National Nutrition Month and the rest of the year:

  • Get into a wellness state of mind. Balance your diet with food from all food groups. Get active every day with enjoyable movement.
  • Eat right with MyPlate. Make small changes to make healthier choices you can enjoy.
  • Become a smart shopper by reading food labels to find out more about the foods you eat.
  • Change to low-fat or fat-free milk or yogurt to cut back on saturated fat.
  • Drink and eat less sodium, saturated fat and added sugars. Drink water instead of sugary drinks.
  • Visit for more information about healthy lifestyles.

WIC is a federally-funded program that serves women, infants and children up to age 5 and families, by providing nutritious food, nutrition education, breastfeeding promotion and support and referrals to health and other services. WIC foods are selected to meet nutrient needs such as calcium, iron, folic acid, vitamins A & C.  To learn more about the St. Clair County Health Department WIC program, call (810) 987-8222 or visit and click on the WIC program. This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider.


Chair Of The House Appropriations Committee State Representative Shane Hernandez On The Governor’s 2020 Budget

Rep. Shane Hernandez, R-Port Huron, the Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, talking about the Governor’s 2020 budget presentation and her plans for roads and education funding.   “Tax increases aren’t solutions. Unfortunately, what we heard from the governor are plans to tax and spend — not real solutions for fixing our roads, improving our schools or continuing Michigan’s economic comeback.”

Rep. Hernandez on roads:  “Michigan drivers deserve every possible effort to make sure the taxes they’re already paying are used effectively and efficiently.  But I didn’t see that in her plan. Coming out of the gate by proposing a 45-cent per gallon tax increase starts the conversation on the wrong foot. Taxpayers deserve better.”

Rep. Hernandez on schools:  “I strongly support investing in Michigan schools. All children deserve a quality education. I have concerns the proposal to put more money into separate categories for separate purposes does not treat all children equally. The most effective way to improve education for all is to focus more on investing in the per-student allotment, and close the funding gap between school districts so all children are treated equally.”

Rep. Hernandez on next steps:  “I will work with the governor to eliminate taxes whenever possible and ensure we no longer balance the budget on the backs of our seniors. But I am concerned about other proposals that would raise costs for seniors and all taxpayers, and for many types of small businesses. We need to dig into each and every part of our state budget and find efficiencies to deliver more value to taxpayers – that’s where this conversation must begin.

“In the past several years, our financially sound budgeting practices have helped improve Michigan’s economy and put state government on solid financial footing. These efforts must continue, and that will be my focus as I work on our next budget plan with the governor and the Senate.”

DTF Seizes Crack In Raid

An investigation into the sales of crack cocaine in the Port Huron area ended with the execution of a search warrant in the city of Port Huron.  According to Sheriff Tim Donnellon, the St. Clair County Drug Task Force raided a home in the 3100 block of Electric Avenue Thursday night at about 10:00 p.m.  Once inside, members of the DTF located and seized $300 worth of crack, along with drug paraphernalia.   A 35 year old Port Huron man was arrested without incident and transported to the St. Clair County Intervention and Detention Center.  He faces charges including possession with intent to deliver crack cocaine and maintaining a drug house.

Body Of 58-Year-Old Hazel Park Man Found In Water Near SUV Monday

Marine City Police responded to a call from the 1300 block of South Water Street at about 9:30 a.m.  Monday, March 4.  Police say the waterfront property located on the Belle River is commonly known as Catholic Point.  Officials were called to the scene as a neighbor noticed tire tracks leading down to the river, along with a three to four foot snow pile that was significantly lower that the surrounding area.  Divers with the St. Clair County Dive Team first located and recovered the body of a 58-year-old Hazel Park man in the water nearby and he was declared deceased at the scene.  A sports utility vehicle was pulled from the water and towed out of the waterway.  The Marine City Fire Department and  St. Clair County Sheriff Dive Team assisted at the scene.  The deceased’s name is being withheld until all family members have been notified.

UWSCC St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast – Friday, March 15

United Way of St. Clair County (UWSCC) will host their annual St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast on Friday, March 15th from 6:00am until 10:00am at Freighters restaurant, 800 Harker St, in Port Huron.  Kick off your St. Patrick’s Day weekend with a delicious all-you-can-eat buffet-style breakfast, for $12.95, and fun Celtic music and atmosphere.   Learn more about the programs UWSCC funds by joining in on the merriments or tuning in for live interviews with UWSCC’s Affiliated Organizations.  Musical guests include Celtic Cross, Keltara, and Brian Leslie with his bagpipes.  Festive swag will be available for sale to help you get decked out for the holiday weekend.   Is the Luck of the Irish with you?  Two free breakfasts will be given to one lucky person through a Facebook contest starting at midnight on March 6th and ending at 11:59pm on March 10th.  Visit UWSCC’s Facebook page for details on how to enter.  UWSCC’s St. Patrick’s Day Raffle drawing will take place at 9:30am during the breakfast.  There are just under two weeks left to stock up on your chances to win one of four fantastic prizes!  Tickets may also be purchased at the breakfast between 6:00am and 9:30am.  Finally, at the end of the event, UWSCC will have a door prize drawing.  The prize will be a Freighter Trip Raffle Ticket.  So many chances to win.  All while enhancing the lives of our neighbors.  Full event details may be viewed on or  All proceeds to benefit United Way of St. Clair County.