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Community Involvement Needed To Help McMorran Win Hockeyville Grand Prize

McMorran Place Sports and Entertainment Center has the opportunity to host a preseason NHL game and win $150,000 in upgrades by winning the Kraft Hockeyville USA grand prize.  Established in Canada in 2006, 2019 marks the fifth year for the Kraft Hockeyville USA competition. Ice arenas across the country compete in the contest to earn the title of Hockeyville USA by showing the community’s true devotion to hockey. Community members may participate in the contest nominating McMorran by adding or reacting to a story, photograph, video, adding a note or sharing to Twitter.  Eighty percent of the scoring relies on the community story score. Hockeyville has dedicated a large percentage of the scoring to the each arenas’
story because without stories the context to the added photographs and videos is lost. Stories include answers to the questions: “Tell us about your community spirit and passion for hockey.” “Can you describe an example of how this came to life?” “Tell us about your rink. Why is it important to your community and how would the $150,000 be best used to upgrade the rink?” and “Why should your community be the next Kraft Hockeyville USA 2019?” Adding a story
is 10 points whereas reacting to a photo, video, story or adding a note is one point. The more points McMorran has the better chances of becoming a top four finalist.  The deadline to nominate McMorran is March 2. If the judges select McMorran as one of the final four arenas with the possibility of winning the grand prize a voting round will open March 30 at 7 a.m. and will close on March 31 at 11 a.m.  The grand prize winner is awarded $150,000 in arena upgrades and an opportunity to host a preseason NHL game with possible coverage from NBC. First runner up will receive $30,000 in grants and two second runner up will receive $10,000 in grants.  McMorran Place arena came close to winning Hockeyville’s grand prize in 2018 placing in the top 10. Lakeview Arena in Marquette, Mich. won the 2016 Hockeyville grand prize using the winning to purchase exterior signs, rebuilding the compressor which is necessary to create ice, and repairs to the Zamboni and lights.  McMorran Place, located in the heart of Port Huron’s downtown, is a civic center for the arts and community providing entertainment at an
affordable cost. Hosting several elegant and successful conventions, trade shows, concerts, banquets, ice shows, corporate meetings, seminars, and hockey for all ages, McMorran is the one stop spot for thrilling events, memory making rentals, and thriving community events. The McMorran Complex is owned by the City of Port Huron. The complex consists of an arena, an auditorium and multi-purpose rooms for rent. For more information please visit or call (810) 985-6166.

Another Grant Window – Eastern Michigan Christian Foundation

The Eastern Michigan Christian Foundation is launching another grant window for Faith-Based Non-Profits.  The Eastern Michigan Foundation supports Christian Ministries by promoting Biblical stewardship through investing and distributing Legacy Gifts.  Due to the generosity of Sanctum Contracting, the EMCF is once again offering a grant opportunity to all faith-based organizations or projects.  The grant window according to Brian Smith, Grant Committee Chair, will be open from February 25 to March 8.  He says all faith-based organizations and or projects will be considered.  Interested parties should apply online at – by just clicking on the button that says “Apply for a Grant.”  EMCF is a partner of the Community Foundation of St. Clair County.  If you would like more information about applying or donating, visit

The Luck Factor Talk Series

Unity of Blue Water will present The Luck Factor, a special three-week talk series at 10:30 a.m. during Sunday services beginning March 3. The talks presented by guest speaker Rev. John Considine will outline simple principles to help attract good fortune.  Unity is located at 431 17th Street in Port Huron, and everyone is welcome to attend.  The Luck Factor series is based on the book by Richard Wiseman, PhD, University of Herefordshire. His research revealed that lucky people do not achieve their dreams and ambitions purely by chance. His work identifies simple techniques to help improve all areas of life, including relationships, personal finance and careers.  Rev. Considine is excited to share these principles to help people change their luck and change their lives.  “What this study by author and researcher Richard Wiseman Ph.D. defines as ‘luck,’ we in Unity know as the ability to manifest through our thoughts and words,” Considine reports. “It’s so great to see it amplified and extended in scientific form.”  For more details on The Luck Factor talks at Unity, March 3, March 10 and March 17, visit www.unityofbluewater.orgor call Unity of Blue Water at (810) 982-2820.

People’s Clinic For Better Health Benefits From Irish Tea

The 12th Annual Irish Tea fundraiser will be held on March 13, 2019 in the Lighthouse Café inside Lake Huron Medical Center from 2:30pm – 4:30pm. The Irish Tea is hosted by the Emmett and Marine City chapters of the Daughters of Isabella.  This event invites area residents to enjoy tea, homemade cookies and purchase tickets for basket raffles while supporting the Peoples’ Clinic. Tickets are on sale for $10 and can be purchased from a member of the Daughters of Isabella, at the Lake Huron Medical Center Gift Shop or at the door.  “The Lake Huron Foundation is honored and truly appreciative of the Daughters of Isabella for their continued commitment the Peoples’ Clinic,” commented Chandra Gruber, Lake Huron Foundation Director. “It is this type of support that allows the Lake Huron Foundation to continue its mission of caring for the most vulnerable members of our community.”  The People’s Clinic for Better Health is a non-profit clinic that provides medical care to underserved residents of St. Clair County and surrounding areas aged 18 years or older, at no cost to those who are under and/or uninsured, to those who have Medicaid insurance and to individuals who receive services through St. Clair County Community Mental Health and have physical health care needs.  For more information on the programs and events at Lake Huron Medical Center, please visit or call (810) 216-1675.

SC4 Accepting Registration For Summer Classes

Registration for summer classes at St. Clair County Community College is now open, providing a great opportunity for students of all backgrounds to earn valuable credits at a fraction of the cost of a four-year institution.  SC4 students continuing their education, guest students from other institutions and community members looking to take courses for personal enrichment are encouraged to browse the full list of available summer courses online at
Many courses that qualify for the Michigan Transfer Agreement are available, covering a range of subjects. Introductory business classes, including accounting, management and marketing, also are being offered, as is an introduction to criminal justice and microcomputer applications, a gateway class to most any computer information systems degree at the college.  Additionally, students looking to complete health science prerequisites such as human anatomy and physiology can benefit from summer courses.  Many summer classes are offered online.
Summer semesters begin Monday, May 13. Students not currently enrolled can start the application process at To speak with an admissions representative about options, or for details on how to get started, call 810-989-5571.

Tickets On Sale For Heart Of A Hero

Woman’s Life Chapter 820, the Archangels are inviting the public to celebrate our local Community Heroes  at the first annual Heart of a Hero event being held at Alexander’s Banquet Hall at 1200 Gratiot Blvd. in Marysville on Thursday, February 28 beginning at 6 p.m. According to Jo An Wilton, Woman’s Life and Archangels member, the cost is $30 per person and will include hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar.  There are also sponsorships available at three levels, $25 – $50 and $100.  Proceeds will go to benefit the Arc of St. Clair County and a portion of the proceeds will be matched by Woman’s Life Insurance Society.  The Archangels in cooperation with Woman’s Life Insurance Society have raised over $140,000 for various causes, since they formed the group nearly ten years ago. For tickets contact Valorie or Cheryl at 810-989-9144.  For sponsorship information, contact Jo An Wilton at 810-385-9040.