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Local News

Representative Eisen: Governor Must Respect Division Of Powers

State Rep. Gary Eisen recently supported a resolution blocking a power grab by Michigan’s new governor that overstepped the fundamental division of powers between the governor’s office and Legislature.  Eisen, of St. Clair Township, said a recent executive order issued by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is an after-the-fact veto of a law passed by the legislature last year and constitutes an abuse of her power.  “I believe this is just a political move to test the waters on what she can get away with in her role as Governor,” Eisen said. “It is not up to that office to cherry-pick which laws to follow.”  The governor may issue an executive order to organize a state department in any way she sees fit. However, when the executive order contains language with the force of law, the legislature has the duty to review the order as proposed legislation. The Legislature has the constitutional authority to reject it.  Executive Order 2019-02 abolished three review committees that provided important oversight of the Department of Environmental Quality and gave citizens long-overdue access to the rule-making process.  Eisen said, “The governor’s executive order would eliminate oversight, public input and transparency.  We can’t allow this to happen and strip our constituent’s voices.”


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Memphis Community Schools – Closed Child Care Open

Friends Of The St. Clair River Presents Its Winter Workshop: Ducks Unlimited

Friends of the St. Clair River’s winter workshop series, “Cookies, Conservation and conversations”, continues with a “Ducks Unlimited” presentation on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at the St. Clair County Administration Building Auditorium, 200 Grand River Avenue in Port Huron. These free, family-friendly presentations are from 6:00 – 7:00. The “Ducks Unlimited” presentation will be led by Chris Sebastian, Public Affairs Coordinator for Ducks Unlimited, the world’s leader in wetlands and waterfowl conservation. A former Times Herald reporter, Chris now manages communications and public relations for DU’s 21-state Great Lakes/Atlantic region. Chris will explain how wetlands are crucial to the region’s livelihood and how DU conserves these habitats for waterfowl and wildlife, drinking water and recreation. Wetlands are the answer for clean water throughout St. Clair County and the Great Lakes. Learn what’s new with Great Lakes’ waterfowl as they fly and rest along the migration corridor of the St. Clair River.   Friends of the St. Clair River is the Blue Water Area’s largest environmental non-profit organization that inspires citizen action through stewardship, monitoring and education to restore, protect and enhance the St. Clair River and its watersheds. For more information, or “Friends of the St. Clair River” on Facebook and @bwriverwalk.

St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast

The United Way of St. Clair County will host their annual St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast on Friday, March 15 from 6 to 10 a.m. at Freighters Restaurant, 800 Harker Street in Port Huron.  Residents are invited to kick off your St. Patrick’s Day weekend with a buffet-style breakfast at a cost of $12.95 per person.  There will be Celtic Music provided by Brian Leslie on bagpipes, Celtic Cross and Keltara.    A St. Patrick’s Day raffle will also be held at 9:30 a.m. at the breakfast. Raffle tickets are $2 each with a number of exciting prizes.  You may purchase your tickets to the event as well as the raffle tickets at United Way of St. Clair County at 1723 Military Street in Port Huron.  Raffle tickets will also be sold at the event.  All proceeds will benefit your local United Way.  Must be 18 years of age or older to participate and you need not be present to win.

Cancellations Feb 13 – Updated 6:55 a.m.

SC4 Main Campus is open – Croswell-Lexington and Harbor Beach campuses closed today

Capac Community Schools

Cardinal Mooney Catholic High – Archdiocese of Detroit

East China School District

East Shore-Leadership Acdmy

Landmark Acdmy

Marysville Public Schools

Memphis Community Schools – Closed Child Care Open

Port Huron Area School District

Almont Community Schools

Chatfield Acdmy –

Dryden Community Schools – Closed Child Care Open

Imlay City Schools –Closed Child Care Open

Lakeville Community Schools –Closed Child Care Open

Lapeer Community Schools- Closed Child Care Open

North Branch Area Schools- Closed Child Care Open

St. Paul Lutheran-Lapeer – Closed Child Care Open

Sanilac Special Ed.

Community Mental Health CIS program will be closed today, Wednesday, February 13. CMH will be open however no agency transportation will be provided. Staff are to report to work.

BWATC -Agency routes 1-22 – Are not running today 2/13/19 — Running main roads only