Adult Male Arrested In Connection With Social Media Communications With A Juvenile Girl
The St. Clair County Sheriff’s Department stated that parents of a juvenile daughter reported that she had been sneaking out of the home to meet an adult male on multiple occasions and requested investigation into the suspect. Detectives obtained consent to assume the identity of the minor and continued to communicate with the adult male via social media and gained additional information. After several days of communication, the adult male requested to pick the minor up in the vicinity of her home. Detectives set up surveillance in the area of the arranged pick-up and observed the male driving through the area a short time later, on Thursday of last week. A traffic stop was conducted by the Road Patrol and the male suspect was taken into custody and transported to the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office where he was interviewed and lodged at the Intervention Center. The suspect will remain lodged at the jail pending his arraignment.