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Local News

Adult Male Arrested In Connection With Social Media Communications With A Juvenile Girl

The St. Clair County Sheriff’s Department stated that parents of a  juvenile daughter reported that she had been sneaking out of the home to meet an adult male on multiple occasions and requested investigation into the suspect.  Detectives obtained consent to assume the identity of the minor and continued to communicate with the adult male via social media and gained additional information.  After several days of communication, the adult male requested to pick the minor up in the vicinity of her home.  Detectives set up surveillance in the area of the arranged pick-up and observed the male driving through the area a short time later, on Thursday of last week. A traffic stop was conducted by the Road Patrol and the male suspect was taken into custody and transported to the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Office where he was interviewed and lodged at the Intervention Center.  The suspect will remain lodged at the jail pending his arraignment.

Extreme Weather Plan For Mid City Nutrition Program

To protect their guests, volunteers and staff from the extreme cold, Mid City Nutrition Program will provide the following:

Monday, January 28, 2019: As scheduled, serving time 11 am-12 pm & 4-5 pm

Tuesday, January 29, 2019:11:00 am – As scheduled, 11am -12 pm & 4-5 pm

“To go” food bags will be available to cover Wednesday

Wednesday, January 30CLOSED

The Center of Port Huron (7th & Court) will be open from 9 am  Wednesday, 1/30 – 9 am Thursday,1/31, serving breakfast, dinner and providing shelter

Thursday, January 31: Resume regular schedule, serving time 11-12 am & 4-5 pm.

City Manager James Freed Directs Opening Of Warming Centers

Due to the extreme cold predicted Tuesday evening into Thursday, City Manager James Freed has
directed the opening of three warming centers in the City of Port Huron.  Warming centers will be open at:
 Palmer Park (2829 Armour Street);
Gratiot Village Community Center (1509 Riverview Street); and,
Huron Village Community Center (2614 Nern Street).
The warming centers will be open Tuesday afternoon through Friday.  “We want to make sure during this dangerous weather event our vulnerable citizens stay safe,” Freed said. “We are taking the proactive steps necessary to prepare for this storm system and further protect the residents of Port Huron.”  The City Manager continues to meet with public safety and public works officials in preparation for this winter weather event. The City Manager encourages those that do not need to be on the roads to stay indoors and to avoid parking on-street as often as possible to help our first responders and plow crews.

Extreme Cold Expected For Southeast Michigan

The National Weather Service has indicated that we will continue to experience extremely cold temperatures in the week ahead.   A winter storm system is pushing through the Great Lakes and the latest forecast information suggests that 2 to 7 inches of snowfall will be possible across Southeast Michigan.  Brutally cold weather is expected to develop with wind chills of 20 to 30 degrees below zero are forecast for all of Southeast Michigan Tuesday through Friday. Latest forecast information suggests this will be the coldest weather to impact the area in a few years. The St. Clair County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management is reminding residents to be cautious in these conditions. During these times the mall and library are good warming stations. During normal business hours you can visit some of your local city, township or village halls for warmth.   Drive with caution and it is a good idea to check on the elderly, neighbors and pets.  Local Officials will continue to monitor the situation.

Severe Weather Ahead!

Monday, January 28, 2019 – due to:  Winter Weather Advisory in effect until midnight tonight…heavy snow with a total accumulation of 5 to 7 inches is expected, falling at rates of up to 1 inch per hour between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.  Gusty winds and blowing snow this evening…roads expected to be snow-covered and slippery, with limited visibilities.

The Council on Aging, Inc., serving St. Clair County will be closed on Monday, January 28th due to forecasted hazardous weather conditions.  Area senior centers and congregate meal sites will be closed.  Home delivered meals and senior transportation will not be available on Monday.

Algonac Community Schools – Closed Child Care Open

Blue Water Choices

Capac Community Schools – Closed See School Website

Cardinal Mooney Catholic High

Community Enterprises of St. Clair – Closed Staff Must Report

Creative Employment Anchorville

East China School District

East Shore-Leadership Acdmy

Immaculate Conception Elem- Ira

Landmark Acdmy

Life Skills Bright Futures

Life Skills Opportunities

Marysville Public Schools

Memphis Community Schools – Closed Child Care Open

New Life Christian Acdmy

Port Huron Area School District

St. Clair County Community College – all campuses closed

St. Clair TEC –

St. Edward on the Lake Elem

St. Mary School

St. Mary/McCormick Catholic Acdmy

Yale School District – Closed See School Website

Brown City School District

Carsonville-Port Sanilac Schools

Croswell-Lexington Comm Schools – Closed See School Website

Deckerville School District

Peck Community Schools

Sandusky School District

Sanilac Career Center

Sanilac Special Ed. 

CMH is open today, however there will be no agency transportation and our CIS program is closed. Employees are to report to work.

Registration Now Open For SC4 Winter Baseball And Softball Clinics

Registration is officially open for St. Clair County Community College’s 2019 winter baseball and softball clinics. Girls in grades 4 through 12 are invited to attend two separate softball clinics:

  • The Softball Pitching and Hitting Clinic takes place from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 10, in the SC4 Fieldhouse. The cost to attend is $45, increasing to $50 for those who register after Sunday, Feb. 3.
  • The Softball Fielding and Hitting Clinic takes place from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 24, in the SC4 Fieldhouse. The cost to attend is $45, increasing to $50 for those who register after Sunday, Feb. 17.

Instruction for both clinics will be led by Skippers softball coaches and team members.  Boys in grades 4 through 12 are invited to attend SC4’s two-day baseball clinic, which runs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, Feb 10, and Sunday, Feb. 24, in the SC4 Fieldhouse. Instruction will be led by Skippers baseball coaches and team members. The cost to attend is $90, increasing to $100 for those who register after Sunday, Feb. 3.  Spots for these clinics are limited and will fill up fast. Visit The Pier for detailed information and to register.