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Cancelled For Sunday, January 20

Due to the weather and road conditions, Cross Current Church has cancelled the 9:30 a.m.and 11:15 services for Sunday, January 20, 2019.

McLaren Port Huron Names Employee Of The Month

Katelyn Schott has been named the Employee of the Month for December. Schott has worked at McLaren Port Huron for six years and is a sonographer in the ultrasound department.   Schott was nominated by her peers because she embodies the values of McLaren Port Huron. She is a reliable, hard worker who is always willing to help. She is kind, conscientious and calm with patients, even in hectic situations. She always does the right thing, even when it’s not the easy choice. Schott also goes above and beyond in helping her coworkers, whether it’s with scheduling needs or assisting with difficult studies.  This employee recognition is given to individuals who consistently live the values, mission and performance standards of McLaren Port Huron. Honorees are nominated by a co-worker, physician, volunteer, and/or customer.  To learn more about McLaren Port Huron, visit

St. Clair County Community Mental Health October and November Rights Champions

Every month St. Clair County Community Mental Health (CMH) recognizes individuals and / or teams for their extraordinary contributions to the Rights Protection System, which protects the human rights of individuals with a mental illness. Individuals and teams are recognized for demonstrating dignity and respect to individuals with mental illness, for innovation and creativity that resulted in improved service outcomes, for enriching or enhancing a recipient’s recovery/discovery journey, and for taking actions to strengthen communication and cooperation throughout the Rights Protection System.   Award recipients receive a letter of congratulations, certificate of recognition, “Rights Champion” tumbler, and gift certificate to the Sail-In Café & Convenience Store. In addition, “Rights Champions” are highlighted on the CMH Facebook page and are eligible for the 2018 individual/team of the year awards.    The October Team of the Month is the Wells Group Home, which is operated by IMPACT. Members of this team include:

  • Melissa Cope
  • Amber DeWulf
  • Michael Fetterly
  • BreAnna Lee
  • Chelsea Lee
  • Kimberly Moore
  • Megan Smith
  • Dustin Smith
  • James Talbot
  • Pam Zimmerman

The November Team of the Month is Residential Services staff of both CMH and Blue Water Developmental Housing (BWDH). Members of this team include:

  • Kathy Baker (BWDH)
  • Ellen Drowns (CMH)
  • Kathleen Gallagher (CMH)
  • Karen Recker (CMH)
  • Sara Storm (CMH)
  • Katie Volpe (CMH)

Congratulations to these Rights Champions!


Students And Vaping

A recent article in Campus Safety Magazine talks about the increase in Vaping by more than 10% over the last year in 8th graders, 10th graders, and 12th graders. This year’s study included responses from 44,482 students at 392 public and private schools and found 37.3 percent of twelfth graders reported “any vaping” in the past 12 months, compared to 27.8 percent in 2017. It is the biggest year-toyear increase in substance use ever recorded in the survey’s 44 years. Vaping among eighth and tenth graders also increased from 13.3 percent to 17.6 percent and 23.9 percent to 32.3 percent, respectively. The increase in vaping equates to 1.3 million more teens vaping within a single year, reports ABC News. “The younger someone is when they first take a drug, the more vulnerable they are to developing an addiction in the future,” said survey contributor Dr. Richard Miech. “The teen brain is still developing and is, therefore, more vulnerable to the negative effects of substances, including nicotine. Nicotine primes the brain to the rewarding effects of other drugs.” Please have a conversation with your children about the hazards of vaping.

Lauwers Announces Committee Assignments

Sen. Dan Lauwers on Tuesday announced his Senate committee assignments for the 100th Legislature.  Lauwers has been assigned two committee leadership roles. He will chair the Energy and Technology Committee and serve as vice chair of the Insurance and Banking Committee.  In addition, Lauwers will serve as a member of the committees on Agriculture, Economic and Small Business Development, Government Operations, Regulatory Reform, and Transportation and Infrastructure.  “The committees are where legislators work with members on both sides of the aisle and examine bills in detail before recommending them to the full Senate,” said Lauwers, R-Brockway Township. “It is a critical part of the process of a bill becoming law, and I’m excited to be asked to serve on committees of significance to the Thumb of Michigan. I look forward to working with my colleagues on these committees.”  A full list of Senate committees and their memberships will be available soon online at Click on the Committees tab.

McLaren Port Huron Designs Program For Women Undergoing Cancer Treatment

McLaren Port Huron invites women in any stage of cancer treatment to gain confidence through their cancer journey with our new, free program, Beauty and Healing. This program takes place the fourth Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. in the McLaren Port Huron Jefferson Building, 1320 Washington Avenue, Port Huron. There is no meeting in December.  Beauty and Healing is designed for women undergoing cancer treatment. The program will focus on skin care, makeup application, and using scarves and hats as head coverings. Women participating in the program are also able to choose a wig, free of charge, from our wig bank. Participants are encouraged to bring a support person, preferably a female.  This program is made possible through generous community donations to the Donna M. Niester Breast Cancer Fund at McLaren Port Huron.

The program will take place the following days in 2019:

January 24                 April 15                        July 25                       October 24
February 28                May 23                        August 22                  November 21 (third Thursday)
March 28                    June 27                       September 26

The program is free, but registration is required.  To register or for more information call HealthAccess at 1-800-228-1484.