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Eight Candidates For Port Huron City Council

Eight candidates are in the running…only three seat available for Port Huron City Council.  Running on the ballot are Anita Ashford, Lisa Beedon,  Bob Mosurak, Arthur Payne,  Marissa Williams, Jeff Pemberton,  John Hardman and current councilmember Teri Lamb.  Lamb says she has learned a great deal and now, after almost two years, she feels comfortable in her seat.  She was raised in Port Huron, has seen the good times as well as the bad, and currently, she says we are on the upswing and she would like to continue to be part of that momentum.  Lamb says she had her first job working at Dianna’s Sweet Shoppe, and her experience living here and seeing how the town has changed over the years would continue to be beneficial to council.

Mayor Pauline Repp Running To Retain Her Position

Election day is Tuesday, November 6 and voters will head to the polls to decide on a number of positions.  Locally, in the city of Port Huron three seats for city council need to be filled and the position of Mayor is up for grabs.  Four candidates are running to hold the title of Mayor; those include current , current city councilman Scott Richard Worden, Garth Gurnsey who has run for Mayor in the past, newcomer, Tray Smith and current Mayor Pauline Repp who has served in that position for nine years.  Repp says she feels she is a good fit for mayor, has she has nine years experience, and prior to that, she worked for the city 25 years 20 of those years as city clerk.  Repp says she feels the city has made great strides in becoming more viable, and wants to continue to be part of that momentum.  Port Huron means a great deal to her she told WGRT, and along with the council’s list of goals, she would hope for the citizens of Port Huron to become more involved and more optimistic about the city.

Eight Candidates Running For Three Seats

Election day is Tuesday, November 6 and voters will head to the polls to decide on a number of positions.  Locally, in the city of Port Huron three seats for city council need to be filled and there are eight candidates in the running.  Anita Ashford, Lisa Beedon, Jon Hardman, Teri Lamb, Bob Mosurak, Arthur Payne,  Marissa Williams and Jeff Pemberton.  Pemberton says he is running for City Council, because he loves the city of Port Huron.  He feels he has the ability to serve and make a difference, that he has the qualities needed for a councilman.  He says his experience in budget management and problem solving, managing a million dollar budget as well as marketing and communication experience are things he brings to the table.  Key issues that need to be looked at in the city, he feels include unfunded liabilities, the opioid epidemic and the aging infrastructure.  Pemberton is looking to partner with the current council to accomplish on the goals they have already set.

P.S. You’re My Hero Run/Walk

P.S. You’re My Hero is the 4th Annual 5k Run and 2 mile Walk on Sunday, November 11th..that honors Paul Skinner, who lost his life, saving his wife during the commission of a vicious crime against them.  All proceeds will go toward resources to help victims of crime in St. Clair County.  Sign up by October 30th for to guarantee a shirt.  Register is at 7:30 – race starts at 9 a.m.  Sign up at Road Runner Timing dot com or PS You’re My Hero dot org.  With funds raised, they have been able to offset the cost of putting on the run/walk and raising over $30,000 which has gone to caring for victims of crime in St. Clair County.  PS You’re My Hero is the only 501 3c in St. Clair County that completely focuses on victims of crime that have found themselves in difficult times.  According to Mara McCalmon, founder of the group, they have added a comfort room to the Victim’s Rights Office in the St. Clair County Court House; a comfort station with coffee, water and snacks; a comfort dog, they have provided counseling services, and assisted with financial need


Port Huron City Council Has Eight Candidates Running on Ballot

Tuesday, November 6, area residents will head to the polls to fill seats in a number of areas. Eight candidates are on the ballot for three open Port Huron City Council seats. These include, incumbent Councilwomen Anita Ashford, and Teri Lamb, who was a mid-term appointee, up against newcomers Lisa Beedon, Jon Hardman, Bob Mosurak, Art Payne, Jeff Pemberton and Marissa Williams. Councilman Rico Ruiz is not seeking re-election. Jon Hardman says he feels the years he spent away from the city gave him an opportunity to see how other cities handled business, and having worked in marketing and the concert business for a number of years,  he feels would be a great asset in helping the city develop ways to attract people to the city.

Everyday Michigan Women Participate in an Avant Garde Hair show for Charity

(click for full size flyer)

Organizers are inviting the public to sit back and experience a one-of-a-kind artistic event. A Beautiful Me hosts the eighth annual elaborate hair show FUNdraiser on Sunday, November 4 at 3 p.m. at Zuccaro’s Banquet Center located at 46601 Gratiot in Chesterfield Township. This family-friendly event features the creativity of Michigan hair stylists showcased on everyday women as they adorn the runway to the 2018 theme of “Books & Storybook Characters”. Models range in age, weight, and ethnicity and represent confidence as they display elaborate hairstyles.

Over the past 10 years, pro-active self-esteem workshops and events have been provided by A Beautiful Me to over 8,000 young ladies in southeast Michigan, with a focus on at-risk youth. To provide these after school workshops at low, to no-cost for our youth, A Beautiful Me produces an annual fun event with 100% of proceeds to serve our youth. This year there will be additional A Beautiful Me youth alumni featured on the runway from St. Clair, Macomb, Sanilac, Lapeer, and Genesee Counties. “It’s wonderful to witness everyday women, of all ages, do something they’ve never done before – with confidence. This experience correlates with our vision to foster self-worth in all women of all ages.” states A Beautiful Me Executive Director, Karen Palka. Tickets are pre-sold only with limited availability for $55 each, or $450 for a table of 10. Purchase YOUR ticket today at

A Beautiful Me is a 501c3 charitable organization that fosters girls’ self-esteem in 3rd-12th grade through uniquely developed confidence-building, interactive workshop series. The original curriculum has measurable outcomes to equip our future generation with confidence. For more information, visit, email Karen Palka at, or call (586) 604-3037.