Celebrating Black Ingenuity: From Folding Chairs To Airplane Propellers, Remarkable Inventions By Black Inventors

Black inventors have rarely received credit for some of the items we use in everyday life, or that help make our lives more enjoyable. It doesn’t have to be Black History Month to highlight these inventors, so here are just a few of the contributions you may not have known about.

John Purdy’s folding chair revolutionized seating at picnics and graduations, while Dr. George Grant transformed golf with his invention of golf tees. Alfred L. Cralle’s ice cream scooper delighted kids with larger scoops, and John Albert Burr’s lawn mower enhancements brought precision to lawn maintenance.

Joseph A. Smith’s lawn sprinkler combined practicality with fun, and Thomas Elkins elevated bathroom comfort with the modern toilet. Thomas W. Stewart’s mop lightened household chores, and William Richardson’s reversible baby stroller simplified parenting.

These creations, along with a host of others, including paper, chess, medicine, and the alphabet, underscore the monumental contributions of Black inventors. 

Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell