Citizens for a Vibrant Community has announced the 2019 Blue Water Area Calendar is on sale now, just in time for the holidays! This unique calendar features photos of the Blue Water Area by local photographers, as well as many events for the upcoming year. “Citizens for a Vibrant Community is excited to release the 2019 Blue Water Area Calendar! This Is our fourth year producing this calendar. The group takes submissions by local photographers starting in August and holds a contest by the end of that month. This year we were excited to have 20 people submit photos. The hard part was picking only 13! After three hours of work, the photos we have are a
great representation of our area. Criteria include season specific photos as well as quality of the photo and something that shows off all our area has to offer,” states Trina Avedisian, CVC President. Make sure you grab your calendar now! A great gift idea for friends, family and business associates. Calendars can be purchased at Wolverine Market (713 Huron Ave, Downtown Port Huron) or Mosher’s Jewelers (336 Huron Ave, Downtown Port Huron). You can also see the photos and purchase your calendar online at The proceeds from this calendar go to help produce Art on the River, an art and music festival Citizens for a Vibrant Community hosts every year on the second weekend in June.