Due to the extreme cold predicted Tuesday evening into Thursday, City Manager James Freed has
directed the opening of three warming centers in the City of Port Huron. Warming centers will be open at:
Palmer Park (2829 Armour Street);
Gratiot Village Community Center (1509 Riverview Street); and,
Huron Village Community Center (2614 Nern Street).
The warming centers will be open Tuesday afternoon through Friday. “We want to make sure during this dangerous weather event our vulnerable citizens stay safe,” Freed said. “We are taking the proactive steps necessary to prepare for this storm system and further protect the residents of Port Huron.” The City Manager continues to meet with public safety and public works officials in preparation for this winter weather event. The City Manager encourages those that do not need to be on the roads to stay indoors and to avoid parking on-street as often as possible to help our first responders and plow crews.