CMH Offers Blue Pumpkin Buckets for Kids on Autism Spectrum

Halloween is right around the corner and all the planning for the perfect night of fun has begun. St. Clair County Community Mental Health is offering support for parents of children on the autism spectrum who might have a hard time meeting the social expectations that go along with the celebration.

Adults often set expectations for children to say something like “Trick or Treat” in exchange for candy. But for kids on the spectrum, it might not be possible. Blue pumpkin buckets are an easy way for those handing out candy or otherwise interacting with children to know to take it easy on the child with the bucket. The child may be non-verbal or might be overwhelmed by the sensory overload of costumes, lights, and crowds.

Community Mental Health offers an Autism Support Group that provides a judgment-free place for caregivers to network and access resources. The group is open to any caregiver of individuals diagnosed to be on the autism spectrum. The October 28th meeting will include a Halloween social story, autism pumpkin giveaways, and free blue pumpkin buckets.

Registration is required.

Register by contacting Delores Johnson at 810-488-8866 or

Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland