Community Remembers Fallen Heroes

Port Huron, MI — Ed Weichsler, a former U.S. Air Force Veteran, worked with a student from Croswell-Lexington High School to find a way to honor local military heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice for their community. That desire, and a lot of hard work and community support, resulted in the Blue Water Area Fallen Heroes Banner Project.

The 100% volunteer-led project collected almost 400 stories of military heroes from the area which will be displayed on banners placed throughout the towns in St. Clair County.

The first of the hometown hero banners will be hung in towns and cities throughout St. Clair County starting the week before Memorial Day and remain up until June 4th. The banners include the hero’s photo, name, branch of service, rank, war conflict, age, and their home city, and they be displayed annually.

Weichsler said the community’s response to the project has been absolutely overwhelming. Donations have amounted to over $30,000, and a fund is being held at the Community Foundation of St. Clair County. The fund will help with current and future costs associated with printing the banners and any reprinting needed in the future to replace worn or damaged banners.

Donations for the Blue Water Area Fallen Heroes Banner Project can be made by mail or online.  By mail, send a check to the Community Foundation of St. Clair County, 500 Water Street, Port Huron, MI 48060 with “Banner Program Fund” noted on the memo line.  Online, visit:, select funds and click on the Blue Water Area Fallen Heroes Community Banner Program link.

For more information or to submit photographs for the Project, contact Ed Weichsler, Program Advisor and U.S. Air Force Veteran by phone at (810) 985-2007 (hotline) or (810) 434-6407 or  e-mail at

Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand