Company Gives Free Floats and Honors Veterans

August 6th marks a good day for local residents and A&W establishments alike. It all started with a tiny root beer stand. Entrepreneur Roy W. Allen set up shop on the streets of Lodi, California offering a brand new creamy and refreshing drink served in a frosty mug. It was a hot June day, and Allen thought his concoction would be the perfect accompaniment for the parade honoring the return of World War I veterans. His Root Beer was a hit — a unique and tasty, fresh-made blend of herbs, spices, barks, and berries that has now turned into the signature product for A&W establishments across the country.

According to the company’s website, a lot has happened and changed since those early days, but much remains the same. They continue to serve signature, made- fresh Root Beer in a frosty mug, and today happens to be the day the founding roots are celebrating. On August 6, National Root Beer Float Day, A&W is giving away free floats to honor the company’s roots by continuing to provide support in the homecoming of U.S. service members. Residents are invited to stop by a local A&W August 6th to celebrate National Root Beer Float Day. Free, small root beer floats will be available from 2 p.m. – 8 p.m. As part of the celebration, the restaurant will be collecting donations for DAV (Disabled American Veterans).