In a historic revelation, Coretta Scott King, widow of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., feels vindicated by a Memphis jury’s 1999 finding that her husband was a victim of conspiracy, not a lone assassin. King urges the Justice Department to examine the evidence presented in the Memphis case, according to CBSNewscom.
The jury, comprising six blacks and six whites, deliberated briefly before ruling in favor of the King family in a civil lawsuit against Lloyd Jowers, a retired Memphis businessman. Awarded $100 in damages, the Kings sought validation for their call for a new investigation into King’s assassination.
Attorney William Pepper alleged a vast conspiracy involving the Mafia, federal government agents, and a cover-up by the FBI, CIA, media, and Army intelligence. With a sense of closure, King’s son, Dexter, sees the verdict as liberating, rewriting history and sending a message to those in power.
Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell