County Leadership Organizations Rally for Yes Vote on Library Millage

Tomorrow’s primary election has several ballot proposals up for approval, but few stir the passions of the community like the St. Clair County Library System’s request for 1.2 mills.

The Library is near and dear to many individuals and the community as a whole. Valued as an asset to the entire region, the library millage has received endorsements from several community leadership organizations.

The Executive Committee of the Community Foundation of St. Clair County, along with the Public Affairs Committee and Board of Directors of the Blue Water Area Chamber of Commerce endorse the passing of the millage.

The Blue Meets Green Leadership Council of the Economic Development Alliance of St. Clair County and the Council 25 American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees PEOPLE Committee and Executive Board have given their endorsement of the approval.

The millage would provide over three-quarters of the library system’s revenue and would set the library on a course for funding stability and future growth to expand literacy in St. Clair County.

Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland