Crosstown Showdown October 8th

Fall is just around the corner, and preparations are being made for this year’s Crosstown Showdown between the Port Huron High and Port Huron Northern football teams.

The event was cancelled last year, so organizers are looking forward to this fundraiser for the Port Huron Schools Endowment Fund. Funds are raised through sponsorships and ticket sales for a catered end zone tailgate reception held during the game.

Members of the Endowment Fund Committee hope to increase the fund from its current balance of $404,859.31 to $1 million dollars.

PHS Endowment Fund Advisory Chairperson Kim  Dooley said, “The annual principal of the fund stays invested, while the interest supports Pre-K through 12th grade related classroom grants and college access initiatives for Port Huron teachers and students.”

Each year, a group is honored at the pregame celebration, and this year, the focus will be on Port Huron Schools Food & Nutrition Department and their staff and volunteers who have served over 1.8 million meals to the community since March of 2020.

Sponsorships and tickets for the Crosstown Showdown can be purchased <HERE> or in person at football games at Memorial Stadium, the PHS Administrative Building, or by contacting Sue Schmid at the St. Clair County Community Foundation at (810) 984-4761 or by email to

Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand