Detroit Zoo Penguin Exhibit Now Open to the Public

While it might feel like penguins could easily live among us as temperatures dipped into the single digits earlier this week, the Zoo is still the only place where you will actually see a real penguin. The Polk Penguin Conservation Center at the Detroit Zoo in Royal Oak is now open to the public.

The penguin exhibit had been closed since September of 2019 and its reopening has been eagerly anticipated by fans of the unusual birds.

There are 75 King, Rockhopper, Macaroni, Gentoo, and Chinstrap penguins at the exhibit, and yes, the penguins have names. Bonnie Van Dam, Curator of Birds at the Zoo, commented on the new chinstrap penguins, saying, “The chinstraps settled right in and became avid swimmers. Once the lights come on for the day, TJ, Haiku, Kringle and Turtle immediately dive into the pool.”

The penguins have been staying active while the building has been closed to the public. Five chicks have joined the flock and a king penguin chick hatched for the first time in 20 years.

The 326,000-gallon tank features acrylic tunnels where visitors can observe the penguins diving underwater.

The penguin exhibit is part of general admission, but reservations need to be made to secure a penguin viewing time.

Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland