Dr. Reddy & Dr. Mercatante Receive Nasr Award for Community Service

The St. Clair County Medical Society (SCCMS) awards its prestigious Dr. Bassam Nasr Community Service Leader Award each year, and the 2021 honorees are Dr. Sushma Reddy and Dr. Annette Mercatante.

The SCCMS is made up of physicians from around the Blue Water Area who come together for philanthropy, professional development, and socialization. The Nasr award is named after the late Dr. Bassam Nasr, a local gastroenterologist, philanthropist, and one of the co-founders of Physician Healthcare Network.

Dr. Reddy was recognized as “one of the most dedicated volunteers our medical community has ever known.” She has led community health efforts such as The Blue Water Walking Club and the Walk for Summer Reading, and she has been a volunteer at the People’s Clinic for over 15 years.

Dr. Mercatante was noted as meeting the challenge of leading throughout the pandemic with “expertise, fast and precise decision making, and the swift actions needed to maximize available resources to care for COVID-19 patients.” Her colleagues in the SCCMS describe her leadership as “tireless, and her expertise has been a vital factor in minimizing the number
of COVID deaths in our community.”

Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand