When temperatures drop, people aren’t the only ones affected. Many pets are discarded and left to fend for themselves during the winter months. Our animal shelters are being faced with overcrowding and are seeking to find these animals a home for the holidays.
St. Clair County Animal Control (SCCAC), along with 275+ shelters across the country are participating in the Bissel Pet Foundation event, “Empty the Shelters: Holiday Hope.” Empty the Shelters will be sponsoring reduced adoption fees of $25 on December 1-3rd as well as Dec. 5-9th.
With many wishing to have Santa bring them a special pet friend this holiday season, it’s a good time to make their wish come true, while also supporting a cause that helps pets, as well as our animal shelters. Just remember that adopting a pet is a huge responsibility, so be sure you are ready for that commitment, and not just as a Christmas gift.
For more details and information, you can email: animalcontrol@stclaircounty.org.