America and Me is an essay contest that is now in its 51st year in the state of Michigan. The contest asks several thousand eighth-graders from hundreds of Michigan schools to write about their Michigan heroes, especially those who make a difference in their lives. The contest runs from September 3rd to November 15th, and the topic is “My Personal Michigan Hero”. There will be sign-up kits sent to schools throughout Michigan. The contest is open any eighth-grade student in Michigan enrolled in public or private school. Each school will have a first-place winner who will be entered into the statewide competition. From the statewide group, the top ten will be chosen, and each will receive a $1000 cash award, $1000 for their school, and $500 for their school if the school is sponsored by a Farm Bureau Insurance agent. As sponsor of the contest, Farm Bureau Insurance has earned 11 national awards from the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge. A special day will be planned to celebrate the top ten winners in May 2020.