Exciting Guests Coming to Port Huron Town Hall wsg. Susan Tisdel & Judy Redmond


Susan Tisdel and Judy Redmond love their role as volunteers with Port Huron Town Hall, and they are excited about the upcoming guests who will share their stories with the community.

Port Huron Town Hall is welcoming Darren McGrady on November 14th, and Chef McGrady will share his experience cooking for the Royal Family and five U.S. Presidents. McGrady has also authored more than one cookbook, cooked one-on-one with Oprah, and performed cooking demonstrations for over 4, 00 people at a time.

In December, Port Huron Town Hall will feature Javier Muñoz. an actor and activist best known for his Broadway role as Alexander Hamilton. Susan and Judy remarked that those who love theater will thoroughly enjoy Muñoz’s presentation, and the audience may be in for the special treat of hearing a song or two from Hamilton.

Tickets for Port Huron Town Hall are available at the McMorran Box Office at McMorran.com/shows.

Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand