The small game hunting season opens on Sunday in Michigan. The statewide season opens for rabbits, snowshoe hair, ruffed grouse, fox, and gray squirrel. Woodcock season opens a week later on September 21st. A base license is required and can be purchased from an authorized retailer. The cost is $11 for Michigan residents. The DNR reminds hunters that if they are planning to hunt for pheasant, sharp-tailed grouse, woodcock, or waterfowl an extra stamp or endorsement is required. Toward the end of the month, Michiganders will celebrate Michigan Trails Week from September 22nd through the 29th. Michigan has more than 12,500 miles of designated trails to enjoy according to the DNR’s website. Ron Olson, DNR Parks and Recreation Chief, said Michigan’s vast and diverse trails system plays a big role in stimulating tourism and encouraging healthy lifestyles for all ages.