“Fix-a-Leak Week” Focuses on Residential Water Waste Prevention

One leaky faucet can waste up to 3,000 gallons of water per year. Disadvantaged communities often have homes with more leaky faucets and therefore have higher water bills and could have lower water quality. To reduce water waste and promote environmental sustainability, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, EGLE,  has declared this “Fix-A-Leak Week.”

EGLE’s Clean Water Public Advocate, Ninah Sasy, said, “Water leaks in the home can significantly increase consumer water bills and contribute to water quality concerns. Investments in water conservation efforts in the home and our water distribution systems are key to reducing energy consumption and cost while ensuring environmental sustainability.”

The Water Week Pilot program has gotten underway, starting in Benton Harbor and Highland Park, and will eventually expand to other areas of need. According to EGLE, the program offers free in-home plumbing repairs and new water-saving fixtures. Michigan residents will be able to receive a discount on Kohler WaterSense products during the week.

A link to more information and tips on water conservation in your home:


Reporting for WGRT – Jennie McClelland