Golf Outing Raises $48,862 for Karmanos Cancer Institute

The Tee It Up To Beat Cancer fundraiser raised a record-high $48,862 for the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute at McLaren Port Huron Hospital.

The annual golf outing is in its 8th year, and has raised more than $220,000 since it’s inception, and those donations have supported cancer patients in the community by providing  state-of-the-art equipment, private bays for chemotherapy, and heated massage chairs at the hospital.

Dana Fabbri started the fundraiser in 2014, and proceeds originally went to the American Cancer Society. In 2016, she connected with the McLaren Port Huron Foundation and saw the positive impact she could have in her own community.

“It was really neat to realize that we could take the money and purchase something tangible that would help cancer patients in general, but really have an impact in our community,” she said. “It still gives me goosebumps to think about that moment when I realized that we didn’t have to just hope that the money would be used in the way we intended. We could give the money to someone and know that they’d use it for cancer patients’ needs.”

This year’s donation will help purchase an updated Vision RT computer and software for the hospital which will help improve treatment outcomes for patients undergoing radiation.

To learn more, visit

Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand