Gov. Whitmer Signs 45 Bills Before First Term Ends

As Gov. Whitmer’s first term in office winds down, she has signed 45 bills that will hopefully improve the State of Michigan and the lives of its residents.

Let’s take a look at a small portion of those bills, and how they affect Michigan residents. One of the bills signed is looking to raise the state’s recycling rates. An overhaul in how we handle waste will set new goals and standards for waste management.

Another package, the Michigan Reconnect grant, will offer those aged 25 and up tuition funds at a community college, so that they may pursue an associates degree or other professional certificate. The goal is to get more adults into higher education, to further improve the workforce.

Last but not least, Gov. Whitmer signed a bill that will collectively support the development of affordable housing units across Michigan.

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Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell