Governor Gretchen Whitmer Takes A Stand to Protect LGBTQ+ Youth: Conversion Therapy Banned For Minors

In a significant move to safeguard the wellbeing of young LGBTQ+ individuals, Governor Gretchen Whitmer has signed bipartisan House Bills 4616 and 4617, prohibiting conversion therapy for minors in Michigan. The state now joins the ranks of 21 others that have banned this harmful practice.

Conversion therapy, which seeks to change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity, has been discredited by leading medical and mental health organizations. Studies show that it can lead to long-term harm, including anxiety, depression, and an increased risk of suicide.

House Bill 4616 amends the Mental Health Code to impose disciplinary actions and licensing sanctions on mental health professionals engaging in conversion therapy with minors, providing a crucial layer of protection for vulnerable youth.

Reporting for WGRT – Choze Powell