The time is ripe for picking fruits and vegetables in Michigan. Area orchards and farms are gearing up for the annual harvest. This year’s crop promises to be a good one. Some vegetables have come in late due to the delay in planting because of the amount of rain that fell during the Spring. Corn, for instance, just became available in the last 2 weeks here in the Blue Water region. Cheryl Hulett owner of Hulett’s Farm Market on Pine Grove in Port Huron said, “Corn was usually available around July 15th, and this year it was pushed back to July 30th.” She went on to say, “Corn will be available later into the fall, but only until the frost comes.” In Jeddo at McCallum’s Orchard and Cider Mill, tart apples and peaches are ready to be picked. McCallum’s Owner, Ray Peltier, said, “The large amount of rain that was received early on affected different crops in different ways.”