Health Department Warns of Sleep Products

The St. Clair County Health Department is passing on a warning in a report recently released by Consumer Reports. An investigation by Consumer Reports is warning people with small children about new potential dangers for sleep products. According to data from the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) fatalities associated with in-bed sleepers such as DockATot and Snuggle Nest have been reported. In-bed sleepers are often used by parents to keep their baby close to them at night to help the baby sleep better or for greater ease in nighttime feeding. 

The in-bed sleepers currently do not have their own federal safety standards and could have dangerous design flaws. One potential danger according to the CPSC is the soft padding which can block a baby’s airflow if the infant’s face comes in contact with it. The commission cites data that says a handful of deaths were found to have occurred in the Baby Delight Snuggle Nest Infant Sleeper, SwaddleMe By Your Side Sleeper, and DockATot. Consumer Reports also noted that none of the products had been adequately safety-tested and none adhere to safe sleep recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The AAP says in its infant sleep guidelines that babies should sleep on their backs, alone, unrestrained, on a firm, flat surface, free of padding, bumpers, and other soft bedding.

Reporting for WGRT, Karly Hurley.