Plans for the Hotel Harrington were shared with the Historic District Commission in Port Huron at their regular monthly meeting yesterday. The commission is responsible for reviewing all plans for structures in the Historic District. At their meeting yesterday, they reviewed a request from Vince Cataldo a principal and architect at Virtuoso Design and Build and founding Owner of Infuz Ltd. Mr. Cataldo’s company was hired by the owners of the historic hotel as it’s architect in the Hotel Harrington process. Cataldo described plans to perform a complete exterior rehabilitation of the Hotel Harrington. Cataldo said that because the project received a federal tax credit hotel plans had been previously reviewed by the federal park service. Those same plans were presented and approved by the commission. Local developer and commercial realtor Gerry Kramer said projects like the Hotel Harrington have to follow a strict set of rehabilitation guidelines or else some funding may be in jeopardy.