House Considering Legislation Allowing First Responders to Use EpiPens

Senator Pete Lucido sponsored a bill that would allow firefighters and police officers to carry and use EpiPens to treat life-threatening allergic reactions. Another bill sponsored by Lucido includes liability protections for school employees who administer or choose not to administer EpiPens.

Lucido said the legislation will make it easier for first responders to do their jobs and protect people facing an anaphylactic reaction to an allergen. “EpiPens are a very common tool used to help people experiencing allergic reactions, yet for some reason first responders have not been able to carry them in our state. I thank my House colleagues for their consideration and am confident the legislation will be approved quickly. It’s past time we fixed the problem,” said Lucido.

Senate Bill 417 would allow doctors to prescribe and pharmacists to dispense EpiPens to firefighters and law enforcement agencies.

Senate Bill 843 would establish civil and criminal liability protections for school employees who, in good faith, either administer or do not administer auto-injectable epinephrine to an individual.

Both bills are before the House Health  Policy Committee for further consideration.

Reporting for WGRT – Jessie Wiegand