Huron Lightship Seawall Reinforcement

The Port Huron City Council met on Monday night for their regular meeting. One of the items discussed was funding to reinforce  a steel seawall around the Huron Lightship. Recently, high water levels have crested the seawall that is already in place. Officials from the city and Port Huron Museum want to mitigate damage to the ship because the Lightship, with its historical significance, is a showpiece for the Port Huron Museum and the city. The ship, according to City Manager James Freed is also a city asset. 

The council voted unanimously to approve funding of just over $11,000 for the seawall. Freed said those funds will come out of the city’s Land Purchase Fund. The city’s contribution will be added to a $20,000 dollar grant from the Acheson Foundation. Freed thanked the Port Huron Museum’s Director Veronica Campbell and Community Engagement Director Andrew Kercher along with the entire museum staff for their help in securing the donation from the foundation. Freed said work on the project would begin soon before the ice starts to flow down the river.

Reporting for WGRT, Mike Smith.